America Eulogy
In case you wondered where I stand politically, let me take a moment to vent.
Terry Fortier
On January 6, 2021—a date which will live in infamy—the United States of America suffered a self-inflicted wound from which it may not recover for generations, if ever. And I am not referring to the so-called insurrection. Rather, the Jonathan Gruber-recognized “ignorant electorate,” products of a decaying educational system, encouraged by elitist socialists, abetted by a media who abused the privileges granted them, and facilitated by corrupted election overseers, were successful in raising to the most powerful position in the world, a corrupted inveterate liar exhibiting indicators of dementia who, in over four decades in our nation’s capitol, has achieved nothing other than self-enrichment by selling out to our nation’s enemies.
It is fitting I started this piece with a bit of plagiarism. After all, the president is quite familiar with the practice. He was forced out of one of his previous attempts at the candidacy because of it. At least in my case, I do not try to hide it and my source was actually an American. That was not the case in Mr. Biden’s case.
It is equally fitting that the opening paraphrases FDR, the patriarch of Progressive pandering elitism. After all, it is FDR who taught future generations of politicians the fine art of buying votes from an electorate more than willing to sell. It is FDR who perfected the deceit of extolling the success of newly enacted programs which, in reality, extended and exacerbated the country’s economic morass. Over time, as the leftist elite slowly decimated our educational system, it became increasingly simple to surreptitiously pick one pocket of the populace (e.g., business taxes, graduated tax rates) and then, with great fanfare, put in their other pocket (social security, Obamacare/Medicare, etc.) And if it violates the Constitution, tough s**t!
So here we go. The Green New Deal, which will achieve nothing while attempting to address a non-existent problem. Open boarders, for which the main objective is to expand the underclass. Endless social programs that will accomplish little more than increasing a mindless bureaucracy. A foreign policy that has already sold out to China, Russia, and Iran. When this country sinks to the mediocrity of our European “allies”, I cannot help but wonder who will come to defend the USA in our time of need.
Dr. Morris Massey (look him up yourself) would slot me as a member of the “checkout generation.” I and my ilk are in line waiting to reach the cashier. Yes, I am angered. I worked too hard and too long in the last two election cycles for what I believe. But I am equally saddened on behalf of the younger generation who have been so unwittingly indoctrinated into an ideology that is historically destined for failure. A generation which, for perhaps the first time in the history of this once great country, will NOT be better off than their parents.
A prerequisite for high school graduation should be
completion of a course in basic Economics.
Terry Fortier,
There are two considerations, and only two, that should determine wage levels:
1. Someone (an employer) willing to pay a certain wage; and
2. Someone (an employee) willing to work for that wage.
If willingness of the employer and the employee are compatible, the result is ‘employment.’ Otherwise, the employer must raise his offer, the prospective employee must lower expectations, the two must reach a compromise, or work involved goes undone.
There are external factors that can impact the natural equilibrium of this relationship. If the employee pool exceeds the amount of work available, there is pressure to accept lower wages. Conversely, if the quantity of work to be done exceeds what the available employee pool can achieve, there can be pressure to increase the wage offer. Labor is a commodity that is naturally influenced by “market conditions.”
This all seems rather straightforward, the natural order of things. Oh, but not so fast. Here comes the Progressive cabal, pontificating for a Federally mandated minimum wage of fifteen dollars ($15.00) an hour to combat poverty. Their more likely motivation is to purchase the votes of a miniscule segment (2.3% of hourly paid workers) of the populace while stoking the compassion of their Gruberite minions, who they know will not put forth the effort to learn the facts. Ironically, Bernie Sanders, a gratingly vocal proponent of the minimum wage, cut the hours of his campaign staff to achieve the standard.
The twisted Progressive logic is that increasing the minimum wage will pump more money into the economy, thereby lowering unemployment. What absurdity!
California is phasing in a fifteen dollar minimum wage. A UCLA study of restaurant workers indicated that for each ten percent (10%) increase in the minimum wage there was a corresponding twelve percent (12%) decrease in employment. For this isolated instance, the impact is a three percent DECREASE in economic activity (Let me know if you’re interested in the math.)
An article in The Thomas Sowell Reader is a discussion of minimum wage laws. As one might expect, Sowell shows the obvious: enacting minimum wage laws or increasing existing minimum wage requirements drives up unemployment, particularly among younger workers. The basic premise of Economics (about which the Left is blithely ignorant) states that as the cost (in this case ‘wages’) of a product (‘labor’) increases, the number of those willing and/or able to pay decreases, thus creating an oversupply or surplus. In the labor market, this surplus is better known as unemployment.
There is agreement of a vast majority of world-wide economists and their research studies that minimum wage laws are a cause of unemployment.
“Indeed, a 1976 survey by the American Economic Association found that 90 percent of its members agreed that increasing the minimum wage increases unemployment among the young and unskilled. A subsequent survey, in 1990, found 80 percent of economists agreeing with the proposition that increases in the minimum wage cause unemployment among the youth and low skilled.” [Quoted in Walter E. Williams, Up From the Projects: An Autobiography]
However, Sowell points out, there is a small cadre of naysayers. Sowell points out that this minority invariably base their findings upon input from companies that were able to absorb the minimum wage change. Those researchers failed to interview companies that failed to survive or individuals with start-up plans that were shelved in response to the higher labor costs. Sowell equates such studies to interviewing the survivors and determining that Russian Roulette is a harmless diversion.
Thomas Sowell, in addition to his genius, appears to also have a sense of humor.
by 93 yrs young Jean Marie (Fry) Copeland, “Aunt Jean” as affectionately
known by most, including me.
The greatest generation wasn’t so great. We were
made of ordinary people who were just trying to survive like everyone else.
The children came from farms, small towns, cities. They would get up and work in
the mornings before the sun came up. The harvesting of wheat and corn, fruits
and the vegetables, meat from the barn. working from sunrise to sunset. The
children from the towns worked at the grocery stores, newspapers, wherever they
could find work because they were raised during the depression where there was
no food.
Few people owned property so they had to rent houses from other people and they
had to have work to do that. The children often gave money to their parents to
help pay for food, for rent, or whatever was needed. They learned to improvise,
make do with the things they had, put the tractor together with wire hangers,
fix the motor with whatever was available, and it was a hard life.
When Pearl Harbor was bombed, the nation came together and everybody went to
work. They had to build engines for airplanes, automobiles, trucks, tanks, guns.
They found the best scientists in the world they could persuade to come to this
country to invent or enhance weapons to help win the war. But these were
ordinary people just like you and me.
When the war was won by the allies and thus we all went back to work. We didn’t
all go back to work because there was a job shortage after the war because all
of these military people are coming back and their farms have been sold, things
have changed at home. So there was a lot of unemployment. We were able to
conquer that problem eventually. And before the end of the century, there seemed
to be ample jobs for people.
It seemed that the wars continue to come even though WWII had stopped. We had to
Korean, Vietnamese war, and the wars with the Middle East. And then the greatest
generation got old.
“Don’t talk Politics or Religion”
Despite the heroism and the extraordinary… the men and women of the Greatest
Generation failed their children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren by
not wanting to be involved in religion, politics, or anything that would disturb
their peace and quiet. If you’re going to maintain freedom of any sorts, you
need to fight for it, but you need to believe in it too.
The present generation thinks we should change our ways of living by adopting a
form of government that destroys incentive, gives power to one section of the
government so that we have no freedom to make a judgment, or to give our ideas
to the public.
They want to destroy books, history, loyalty. These are the grandchildren,
children, great grandchildren of the ordinary people of the greatest generation.
Fighting can be done in non combative ways but you at least need to be able to
voice your opinions and look at all sides of the problem.
Freedom gives you that opportunity to do the research and present the
information. Socialism denies you the ability.
This is my observation, 93 years on this earth… now is the time for all good men
to come to the aid of their country.
God bless our nation.
Reprinted with permission from Intellectual Froglegs:
By Maureen Rudel
I think about feudal England when kings ruled by "Divine Right" and there were no rights for the peasants at all. Those who were friends of the kings were awarded property to control for as long as the king pleased. With the property came the peasants who worked the land for the lords who then controlled it. The peasants owned nothing. They were allowed by the lords to keep a little of what they grew, depending on the lords' generosity and the kings' requirements. You see, the kings -- who did nothing except fight wars and live in luxury -- got the funds they wanted from the lords who got theirs from the peasants.
That's about where we are now. Our king rules the lords and ladies of the senate and house. This is true on both the state and federal level. We are the peasants. They will decide how much of what we make they will allow us to keep. The senators are the higher ranking lords and ladies and the house members are lower in rank. However, don't kid yourself, you are at the bottom.
The United States fought a war with England to end this system and established a country of free people who had rights by natural law and answered to no one. The Founding Fathers adopted a Constitution which guaranteed a republican form of government and required that any territory that wanted to join the Union do likewise. We are NOT a democracy, which is nothing more than mob rule.
We were supposed to choose our own "representatives" to represent us and write the necessary laws to guarantee peace and prosperity to us. The "senators" were to be chosen by the representatives to go to Washington to represent the interests of the various states and make sure the federal government did not trample on the states' rights. To make sure this happened, the Constitution limited the role of the federal government to having the right to do only 18 things. These are specified in Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution. The rest of the matters were to be handled by the states. There isn't one word about health in the Constitution, or marriage, or education or energy, or retirement incomes. Most of what the federal government does now is unconstitutional. The problem is that no one has the courage to challenge the wholesale takeover of the lives of supposedly "free" people because everyone who gets something from "the government" doesn't want to give it up. And, the objective of our lords and ladies is to try to make you forget that all of the money to pay for all of these goodies comes from you. That's why they always say they are only going to "tax the rich."
What of our representatives at the state and federal level? Why do they write laws that take away our rights? They don't. They don't write the laws. Lobbyists do. Lobbyists pay very well to do so. The payoff to our "representatives" is nothing compared to the riches they will receive from the largess they get from the laws they have written to make sure they make a lot of money.
The other thing to remember is that the laws written by the lobbyists, in essence, say "X would be a good idea." Then this "law" is sent to an "Agency" which will then write the rules to tell the victims of this scam (the peasants) what they are requiring from them and how the victims are going to pay the bill to make sure the lords and ladies and companies (who hire the lobbyists) get what they want.
This is why our representatives do not care what you want. You are not paying for their loyalty directly. Take a look at the federal office holders. Most of them, once elected, never leave unless they know they are going to lose their power. Many have never had a real job. But it's really interesting to see how many of them become multi-millionaires while in office.
In Michigan, because of term limits, they don't get to stay a lifetime, but with 6 years in the house and 8 years in the senate, they can do very well, and it they're "lucky" (meaning having done well enough for companies at the state level) they'll be encouraged to run for federal office to continue to feather their nests for as long as they live.
How do we save this country from once again becoming feudal England? We have to start by draining the swamp. Start at the county level. Don't just complain. Do something. Get involved in your county. Support candidates for office at every level, township, city, school board, county officials. Find out what they stand for. Don't just vote for Harry because he's a nice guy. Find out if he believes in our system of government or thinks that it would be better to be like China or Russia.
Protecting our individual rights is the duty of EVERY CITIZEN. It is not someone else's job. Once we realize how much we have lost, we can start getting rid of these "agencies" that run our lives. We can drastically cut the cost of government if we stop paying off these lords, ladies and lobbyists and asking the government at all levels to take care of our daily needs.
When I was a kid, I asked my father who took care of people before welfare. He reminded me that when we went to church on Sunday, the priest would say "Farmer Brown broke his leg and needs some help bringing in the hay" and the members of the congregation would help him and his family until he could take care of himself again.
Wouldn't it be nice if we lived in that kind of world again?
Mike Lindell
Releases Data Packets from 2020 Election
By Maureen Rudel
The detailed records of the data packets from Mike Lindell's records have been released.
In these data packets, the data is sorted by state and county for all of the states and counties.
I have compared the reported results from the county records with the reported information on the packets.
The results only show the votes for Chairman Xiden and President Trump.
According to the county records, Xiden received 5,373 votes and Trump received 9,759 votes. There were additional votes for other candidates.
According to the information from the packet transfers, the results reported on 11/4/2020 were 5,373 for and 9759 for Trump. However, at 11:09:36 Source IP address at latitude 55.6802 and longitude 12.5892 which is the Capital Region of Denmark sent a transfer to Target IP Address at latitude 44.2688116 and longitude -83.1586805 Michigan, Iosco County Clerk transferred 1,272 votes from Trump to Xiden changing the real result of 4,737 for Xiden and 10,395 for Trump.
This information CAN BE CHECKED. Under the law, the ballots should still be available. The paper ballots can be checked against the reported results. If the ballot totals were changed by interference from outside through internet connections (in this case, from Denmark) no one on the ground would know it. None of the townships' clerks would have any idea, nor would the county clerk.
According to the same packet transfer information, Alcona had 588 votes switched from Trump to Xiden, leaving reported totals of 2,142 for Xiden and 4,848 for Trump when the real result was 1,848 for Xiden and 5,142 for Trump. The transferring agent was IP address in Virginia.
Arenac had 732 votes switched showing Xiden at 2,774 and Trump at 5,928 when the true result was 2,408 for Xiden and 6,294 for Trump with the transfer coming from Florida.
Alpena had 1,402; Bay had 4,986; Charlevoix 1,410; Cheboygan 1,314; Clare 1,350; Crawford 652; Gladwin 1,212; Kalkaska 878; Macomb 41,036; Midland 4,052; Missaukee 724; Oakland 63,942; Ogemaw 986; Oscoda 404; Otsego 1,202; Presque Isle 694; Roscommon 1,248; Saginaw 8,568; and in Wayne, in addition to all of the other shenanigans, 72,490 votes were switched from a source in North Carolina.
These counties are included in the House Districts of traitor Sue Allor, Daire Rendon (who does want an audit) Speaker of the House, traitor Jason Wentworth, and the Senate district of traitor Jim Stamas.
Nothing can stop the county clerks of these counties from double checking on their own, not by checking the computer records which the machines produce but by counting the paper ballots, and by making sure every absentee ballot has a matching signature.
The War On Conservatives
By Lewis C Rudel
The War On Conservatives
The Left (with the complicity of “Big Tech”, and the “Main Stream Media”) in this country has started a war on anyone who doesn’t agree with their political agenda. Amazon, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are now censoring or deleting the accounts of anyone who disagrees with their politics.
Not only is the Left censoring people, they are attempting to destroy companies that don’t agree with them. The latest example is Mike Lindell of My Pillow. The Left has arranged to exclude sales of My Pillow from the following stores: Dollar General, ShopHQ, Mattress Firm, Kohl’s, Kroger, BJ’s, Wayfair, Bed, Bath, and Beyond, TSC/The Shopping Channel, H-E-B, Affirm, Fingerhut, Kinney Drugs, Colony Brands, Bluestream, Coburn’s, Chewey, and JCP. They are doing this because Mike is a supporter of President Trump and believes that there was fraud in the election.
There are ways to counter this attack on conservative values. Stop shopping at companies who practice this type of discrimination. Try seeking alternatives to Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Some Facebook alternatives are MeWe, Diaspora, Mastadon, and Minds. Twitter alternatives are Gab, Peeks, Amino, and Mastadon. Vimeo is a good alternative for YouTube. and E-Bay are alternatives for Amazon. For your Internet Browser, consider Brave, which provides Ad Blocker and Anti Tracking features. For a search engine, try DuckDuckGo (which doesn’t track you) rather than Google (which does).
I have begun to use Gab as a Twitter alternative as they believe in free speech and will not censor anyone (unless they advocate violence). I am using MeWe and Gab for my Facebook alternative because they also don’t censor people who don’t agree with their politics. I am using Vimeo as a YouTube alternative and I am using and E-Bay as my Amazon alternative.
If we adopt some of these things, perhaps we will be able to stop the slide of this Country toward Socialism. Our current system of government has resulted in the one of the best place in the world to live. It would be a shame to go down the same path as Venezuela where Socialism has taken one of the richest and most successful South American countries and created the current disaster.
The Sting
By Maureen
I am old and don't go to movies. But I was once young and loved some movies a lot. One of my favorites was "The Sting" with Paul Newman and Robert Redford.
A con game to cheat betters on horse races by faking a betting parlor and making the stooges think they were going to get a big win, and instead they lost everything. That was the election on November 3, 2020. President Donald J. Trump won in a landslide. There is no question about that in my mind. However, the democrats were well ahead of the game and set up "The Steal" in advance, in democrat controlled cities in the swing states. They got away with it.
The interesting part of this game is that in most of the states involved the legislatures were controlled by Republicans. They held hearings in many of these states after the election. I watched them. The witnesses were compelling and brought believable evidence forward to prove the theft. In many cases, the dem governors, and in Michigan's case, dem secretary of state and attorney general did not follow the statutes which had been passed and signed into law. This happened in most cases where the problems occurred. The use of mail-in ballots without legislative action was a great tool for fraud. This was unconstitutional because the US Constitution requires that the legislatures not only set the rules for elections but also requires, in federal elections, the legislatures choose the electors for President. The governors do not have the power to certify the results. Even if the legislatures have passed laws allowing the governors to do so, they cannot rely on an unconstitutional law.
In this, and the rest of the states involved, the legislatures refused, after holding hearings, to go to the next step and actually examine the ballots, the records, the signatures, the equipment which was used to determine if the result was accurate as reported. Those records are supposed, by federal election law, to be kept for 22 months after the election. It is interesting to see that there is apparently no interest in even looking into these records now, after Biden has been chosen as the next president. He was not elected, but was chosen by the "Swamp" to succeed President Trump.
The "Swamp" is deep and determined to get their way. It takes a lot of money to run for office. Most politicians cannot win without contributions from Political Action Committees (PACs) because the limits on individual contributions limit how successful a candidate can be. PACs are most often funded by Corporations and their employees, executives and unions. The state legislatures are the training ground for federal legislators. If a legislator makes the big corporations happy, they are destined for great things. Take a look at the people who have been in the U.S. Congress for years. They are all wealthy. Even Bernie Sanders, the Communist-loving senator from Vermont who has basically never had a job, very much like Joe Biden, has 3 multi-million dollar estates, as does Biden.
It is important to remember that President Donald J. Trump decided to drain the "Swamp" and put America first.
In World War II, America was the arsenal of Democracy. Detroit was probably the most important city in the world. It produced planes, tanks, weapons, etc. which were sent to our allies and our troops to help save the world from totalitarianism. We made our own steel, aluminum, mined our own ores and grew our own food.
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was smart enough (after Stalin had first made a pact with Hitler that Hitler broke) decided to try to get in on the winning side and joined the Allies in defeating the Axis powers. This is where the problems began.
The communist ideology took hold in China and other countries. The object was to make sure that America was defeated if not in war, then in peace. We have many people in our own country who want to see that. This is why President Trump is such a demon and must be eliminated.
First, he brought jobs back to America. He made us energy independent. He knew the "Climate Crisis" is a scam to make America weak. We are strong and the most successful country in the world because we are free, able to provide our own food, energy and do so in the cleanest, wealthiest, and best place in the world to be. The large corporations are international. They want to make money. They don't care where they do business as long as it is profitable. They are not people. They are legal entities. They don't pay taxes, they collect them from their customers, employees or shareholders and pay the money to governments to spend. Governments are leaches off the general public. They produce nothing. The more they do, the less freedom people have. Governments should only be allowed to do what only they can do. If something can be done by the private sector, it should be.
Big corporations want laws to disadvantage their competitors and improve their profits. They don't care if you lose your job because they import cheap labor. They love illegal immigrants who are willing to work for a whole lot less than Americans for a chance to live the American dream. You don't see a lot of people trying to get into China or Russia or Venezuela. Donald Trump exposed the truth and made the US his priority -- not "the New World Order" which tries to destroy America.
Is it possible that Michigan's 3rd District US Rep. Peter Meijer's vote to impeach was influenced by the decision of "The Witch" to use Meijer stores to distribute the CCP virus vaccine? He is a member of the Meijer family, the owners of the Meijer superstore chain. How about Michigan's 6th District US Rep. Fred Upton, whose ancestors established Whirlpool Corporation in Benton Harbor, Michigan. It closed most of its manufacturing facilities in the St. Joseph/Benton Harbor area in 1988 and, now, only manufactures about 10% of its products in the USA. Did his vote to impeach have anything to do with Trump's "America First" agenda? Wealthy heirs of hard-working ancestors may not have the same incentives to make sure that the American workers come first.
How about State Sen. Jim Stamas, State Rep. Sue Allor and Michigan 4th District US Rep. John Moolenaar -- why would they not be interested in looking into the obvious problems in Wayne, Oakland, Macomb and Kent counties. Could the fact that Stamas and Moolenaar (both from Midland) are supported by multinational Chemical giant, Dow, and its executives and employees, headquartered in Midland? Allor, like most politicians, also relied on many PACs for the lion's share of her donations. At least these three have to make both their major financial supporters and the regular voters somewhat happy. The best way to do that is "keep your head down" when "incoming" is headed your way. Don't make waves, and hope the people who relied on you to look into the November 2020 "STEAL" will support you if you decide to go for higher office (in the case of term-limited Allor and Stamas) and forget what was done to President Trump. IT WILL NOT HAPPEN. Those questions must be answered and the election ballots and information must be preserved for 22 months after the election under Federal Law! There is time to get real answers to the many questions which exist.
There are as many Republican legislators as democrats who are part of the "Swamp" at the state and national level. You will see this in the coming days when the cowards in our state are willing to allow to theft of all further statewide elections by democrats who have an affinity for totalitarian systems in the foolish belief that the bear won't eat them.
Long live Trumpism -- it's the only chance to save America as we knew it.
Do We Need the Michigan State Republican
By Maureen Rudel
Very soon, we will be asked to send delegates (either in person or virtually) to the State Party Convention to elect our officers for the next two years. Laura Cox and Terry Bowman want to be re-elected. Why? Why should we bother? They worked hard, they raised a whole lot of money to help Republican candidates. Outside of Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Kent and Genesee Counties a whole lot of them were elected and re-elected.
However, because of voter fraud, neither President Donald J. Trump or John James were chosen by the Secretary of State as winners. It is certainly conceivable that Tim Kelly may have won as well. But because of fraud in the above- mentioned counties, we are told they all lost.
Both the State House and Senate held hearings. Former Senator Pat Colbeck opened the testimony in the Senate hearing documenting the fraud using the Dominion software - Partial votes to three decimal points being counted (find me the guy who only voted a partial vote), computers connected to the internet in Detroit, votes being switched. Votes being delivered to the TCF/Cobo Center in the middle of the night - absentee ballots in consecutive order - nice of the voters to send them in in order. Particularly nice of the dead people to show up so well.
Linda Lee Tarver, a 29-year employee of the Secretary of State Office (now retired) who worked in election integrity who told us that since she started working there, Detroit and Flint have never been recountable. This year 71% of the absentee votes in Detroit cannot be recounted. The numbers of votes and voters don't match. Many more votes than voters. More votes than the machines can count in a definite period of time showing up in the counts. "Unlisted" voters. Total fraud according to Melissa Carone, who is an IT specialist, hired by Dominion to work at TCF who reported ballots being processed over and over. Observers not allowed to see what was going on, challengers being, thrown out of the center.
If you haven't seen the hearings, these are the links: Senate: House:
But, now we have to rely on what my father used to call "Gutless Wonders." These are people who are friendly, want your support and money when it comes time to vote, but have NO courage when tough times come. They want to be loved by the media that hates them. The media will never love them. They are the filthiest of scums -- THEY ARE REPUBLICANS - who managed to get themselves elected. But not to worry, when it comes to standing up for what is right they cower in the corner -- "Don't look at me to do what is right -- find someone else" they say.
It is time to stand up and be counted. If the democrats are successful in stealing THIS election, there will never be a statewide election won by a Republican again. It is time to force these people who say they want to represent us to do so. Contact these representatives and tell them to do the right thing. Don't sit around and wait to see if a court will save the election. It is up to them to stand up for us.
Senator Mike Shirkey. 517-373-5932 Senator Tom Barrett 517-373-3447 House Speaker Lee Chatfield 517-373-2629 Rep Angela Witwer 517-373-0853
Five Simple Rules
David Chandler, Burleigh Township
Thousands of years ago our ancestors developed five simple rules that each individual must follow in order for society to thrive:
1. I will not murder.
2. I will not steal.
3. I will not lie.
4. I will not adulterate those things which are beneficial for society.
5. I will not be resentful of the prosperity of others.
Our ancestors thought that these rules were so important that they developed five more to protect them.
Together, these rules became known as Natural Law.
Natural Law, or the Natural Law Governing the Behavior of People in Society, is the Bed Rock upon which our Society is built; its rules are the terms of our Social Contract.
The Social Contract facilitates the creation of every contract devised by Man. You cannot buy a News Paper without the Social Contract and the follow-on contracts needed to purchase ink, paper and to hire labor and pay the electric bill. Who would go through the trouble of building a business knowing that it would be plundered by Vandals?
The five rules mandate that we take responsibility for our actions. You cannot blame others for your situation and you cannot claim to be a victim. We’re all subject to injustice. Injustice is hardwired into the Human Condition. Life is suffering! We each have a choice: Make the suffering even worse by violating the five rules. Or, pick up your suffering and bear it like a Human Being, trying in the mean time to make life better!
When you stop applying the rules, no rules apply. There is a growing segment of the population that has been taught to believe that these five rules don’t apply. That they can do whatever they want without consequence. That the means justifies the end, and that might makes right. These people do not understand that once they have violated the rules, they forfeit any protections or liberties secured by them. They have thrust themselves into a state of nature and have become subject to the much harsher penalties enforced by the Laws of the Jungle: kill or be killed, eat or be eaten, and, never get a moments rest.
The five simple rules governing mankind have been written in the blood of a thousand generations. I urge everyone to take stock in these principles and consider the consequences of their actions.
November 3, 2020: A vote for Biden/Harris Makes
A Scary Election
Sherry Herriman
Scary: A vote for Biden is a vote for Harris to be President! Harris has made it known that she wants, and maybe expects, the Presidency. Listen to what she says and the plans she lays out.
Scary: Harris plans to issue an Executive Order that no longer allows the Second Amendment – Destroy Individual Protections. It’s already started.
Scary: Harris, once an Attorney General, believes she will have the authority to issue such an Executive Order. It takes two-thirds of each body (Senate and House) to propose an amendment to the Constitution and three-fourths of the States to ratify that Amendment.
Scary: Have there been promises made to Harris? If yes, definitely a road to a “back door” Presidency!
Scary: When Obama left office our country’s debt was $23 Trillion dollars -- $33,000 per citizen (including babies) (husband and wife $66,000). Biden/Harris agenda wants to add FREE education, Medicare For All, the green programs, bailing out mis-managed cities, and other unknown plans, adding $15,000 plus to the $33,000 equaling $48,000 at a minimum per citizen. Can your household budget afford this debt?
Scary: Defunding citizen protections: police, firemen, and other first responders
Scary: Labelling looters, rioters, arsonist, murders as non-violent protestors.
Scary: Biden bragging of a Covid 19 solution/plan since mid-March and unwilling to share it to help save some of the 190,000 lives that have passed. Do we really want a President that puts politics over the lives of America’s citizens?
Scary: A slogan – Build America. What does those two words mean? An America without police, fuel, dollars for medicines, jobs/incomes and higher taxes?
Scary: Deceptions we are expected to accept
Scary: All the additional changes that are unknown
NOT SCARY: A Common-Sense Vote in Favor of Trump/Pence and other Republicans
There is proof of what is offered to all by this vote: four more years of growth/stability, jobs/incomes, savings, less taxes, peace treaties, etc.
God help America if Biden/Harris win the election!
To whom it may concern
By Russell Nelkie
The democratic party and media represent lying, cheating, baby killing, and taking our Constitutional rights as true Americans. Not all democrats are deplorable, but many are. If you value the democratic party, use some common sense and clean up the party.
Joe Biden is a deplorable, lying and cheating puppet for the leftist democratic party and media. The sad fact is that he really doesn't realize it. Common sense, which a lot of the democrats have very little of, is the solution to solve many of our problems.
You can fool all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time. This election is literally a matter of life or death for some of our true Americans.
To my fellow Americans, use your common sense and keep and vote the republicans into control of our great country. It comes across that most democrats do not respect the opinions of other people that think differently than they do.
Save America, keep Trump.
Lincoln's Speech to
the Young Man's Lyceum Club
By Lewis C. Rudel
At the annual Lincoln/Reagan Republican Dinner, the featured speaker was Clifford Humphrey, from Hillsdale College and he spoke about the Lincoln speech of January 27, 1838 to the Young Man's Lyceum club. Clifford did an excellent job of tying this speech to the current events going on now with the "mobicratic" rule that Lincoln spoke about.
"I hope I am over wary; but if I am not, there is, even now, something of ill-omen, amongst us. I mean the increasing disregard for law which pervades the country; the growing disposition to substitute the wild and furious passions, in lieu of the sober judgment of Courts; and the worse than savage mobs, for the executive ministers of justice. This disposition is awfully fearful in any community; and that it now exists in ours, though grating to our feelings to admit, it would be a violation of truth, and an insult to our intelligence, to deny. Accounts of outrages committed by mobs, form the every-day news of the times. They have pervaded the country, from New England to Louisiana;--they are neither peculiar to the eternal snows of the former, nor the burning suns of the latter;--they are not the creature of climate-- neither are they confined to the slave-holding, or the non-slave- holding States. Alike, they spring up among the pleasure hunting masters of Southern slaves, and the order loving citizens of the land of steady habits.--Whatever, then, their cause may be, it is common to the whole country.
"It would be tedious, as well as useless, to recount the horrors of all of them. Those happening in the State of Mississippi, and at St. Louis, are, perhaps, the most dangerous in example and revolting to humanity. In the Mississippi case, they first commenced by hanging the regular gamblers; a set of men, certainly not following for a livelihood, a very useful, or very honest occupation; but one which, so far from being forbidden by the laws, was actually licensed by an act of the Legislature, passed but a single year before. Next, negroes, suspected of conspiring to raise an insurrection, were caught up and hanged in all parts of the State: then, white men, supposed to be leagued with the negroes; and finally, strangers, from neighboring States, going thither on business, were, in many instances subjected to the same fate. Thus went on this process of hanging, from gamblers to negroes, from negroes to white citizens, and from these to strangers; till, dead men were seen literally dangling from the boughs of trees upon every road side; and in numbers almost sufficient, to rival the native Spanish moss of the country, as a drapery of the forest.
"Turn, then, to that horror-striking scene at St. Louis. A single victim was only sacrificed there. His story is very short; and is, perhaps, the most highly tragic, if anything of its length, that has ever been witnessed in real life. A mulatto man, by the name of McIntosh, was seized in the street, dragged to the suburbs of the city, chained to a tree, and actually burned to death; and all within a single hour from the time he had been a freeman, attending to his own business, and at peace with the world.
"Such are the effects of mob law; and such as the scenes, becoming more and more frequent in this land so lately famed for love of law and order; and the stories of which, have even now grown too familiar, to attract any thing more, than an idle remark."
The speech is about 24 minutes long and it is scary how appropriate it is now. In particular, with the tearing down of George Washington's statue in Portland. One particular quote at the end of the speech where he is talking about Washington is really interesting. Donald Trump might want to use this:
"Let those materials be molded into general intelligence, sound morality, and, in particular, a reverence for the Constitution and laws; and that we improved to the last, that we remained free to the last, that we revered his name to the last, that during his long sleep we permitted no hostile foot to pass over or desecrate his resting place, shall be that which we learn the last trump shall awaken our Washington."
The whole speech is at
Our Time for
By Tim Kelly, Candidate for US
Representative, 5th District
On a recent
visit to Arenac and Iosco County, I had the pleasure of a sunrise side
breakfast, at Augies on the Bay, with Iosco County Republican Party chair David
Chandler. We later made a visit to the home of Republican matriarch Maureen
Rudel. It was a terrific meeting and inspired conversation with two great
I spotted a vintage campaign poster for Barry Goldwater along with a commemorative pin that Maureen wore as a college student in support of his 1964 Republican presidential campaign. It reminded me of Ronald Reagan's famous "Time for Choosing" speech, made in support of Barry Goldwater that same year, and how prescient it is to our own time. The crux of Reagan's speech was as follows.
"This is the issue of this election: whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American Revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capitol can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. You and I are told increasingly we have to choose between left or right. Well I'd like to suggest there is no such thing as right or left. There's only an up or down."
The parallel political climate of 1964's liberal vs conservative arguments are similar to today's rancor and unease, but differ in that we have almost sixty years in the rear view mirror. In 1964, the welfare state was just beginning. We had no idea what the next 50+ years of unbridled growth in public assistance would do. We do today, and the answers are clear to those who can be honest with themselves.
Enter Covid-19, a pandemic that has caused numerous deaths and near worldwide economic destruction. The virus may or may not be as lethal as the media make it out to be, but our collective response has seemingly been disproportionate to the threat. We've had pandemics before but have never purposely shuttered businesses and social activity to the degrees that we have. Additionally, Washington's answer to this has been one declaration after the next in an attempt to mitigate the effects of the virus and save lives. Both good and bad decisions have been made.
First the good. President Trump's declaration of a national emergency and naming Vice President Pence to lead the response has led to bold and necessary action that I believe will lessen the length and severity of this outbreak. I'm confident that once this passes, and it will, America will quickly recover and we'll come out better on the other side. We'll find that many of the regulations and red tape that the emergency will supersede were unnecessary barriers to better health care products and services. We'll find that offshoring jobs left us at the mercy of our competitors and frenemies. We'll return the manufacture and control of our own pharmaceuticals , telecommunications, and other vital products and services important to America's interest. Our economy and our people will be stronger and better prepared for the next challenge ahead.
The bad. Democrats have once again held sway over a massive recovery effort in the form of the CARES Act. While much of the $2.2 trillion may be necessary to stave off economic collapse, Nancy Pelosi and her progressive allies have also larded the bill up with totally unnecessary and greater expansions of the welfare state. Hundreds of billions will be spent on programs unrelated to the crisis and will be difficult, if not impossible, to reclaim once the crisis is over. New spending "baselines" will be established, with any future attempts at reduction likely to be labeled "cuts" by the left. As Kimberly Strassel of the Wall Street Journal wrote today, "the single biggest recipient of taxpayer dollars in this legislation - far in excess of $600 billion - is government itself. This legislation may prove the biggest one-day expansion of government power ever."
Nevertheless, I remain confident and adamant that political change in Michigan's 5th District is both necessary and demanded if we are to remain successful once we emerge from the this temporary upheaval. The policies and beliefs of the left are a mismatch for those in the 5th who cherish freedom, individual responsibility, self determination and the sanctity of life. Going forward we will need proven strategies that support economic growth, community development, and family dynamics. Old ways of doing things, rules and regulations born of a different time, even institutions we have come to trust, may prove unsustainable in the future. Bold leadership will be required to forge new pathways to prosperity for us all.
David Chandler, Chair
The political situation in
the State of Virginia which is escalating due to the threat of draconian gun
laws by the recently elected Governor, AG, and State Assembly demonstrates what
can happen when a “Perfect Storm” of Democrat control of the government befalls
a people.
We should get ahead of this eventuality by declaring our Rights and
Responsibilities to our Life, Liberty, and Property beyond the scope of
enumerated government powers.
As proven time and time again in our recent past, the government is absolutely
incapable of protecting unarmed people during a mass shooting attack. The only
surety of security is an armed individual at the scene. History has also
shown that governments, once they have disarmed the people, will, without a
doubt, commit the moist heinous of crimes against them under the color of the
law. It is a fact that almost two hundred million people died at the hands
of their own governments in times of “Peace” during the last century.
It is time that we, the people of Michigan, stood with our brethren in Virginia
and elsewhere in the Country to declare our Rights anew.
After witnessing the slow yet steady encroachments into our lives by the
Administrative (Deep) State, it is high time that we pushed back against the
leviathan of Bureaucratic Globalism and declared our Right to govern ourselves
through our Local Governments, enumerating a select few powers to the upper
echelons, focusing primarily on the establishment and maintenance of Justice
under “The Natural Law for Mankind.”
There is a movement afoot in the several Counties of the Nation, to declare
themselves 2nd Amendment Counties; Counties that declare non-compliance with any
unlawful edict passed by the Legislature which encroaches on the Right of the
People to bear arms.
We should join these many Counties in this effort.
God Bless you all this New Year. We are certainly living in interesting times!
End the Fed
By David Chandler
Since 1913,
the Federal Reserve, a cartel of powerful banks, has been authorized by Congress
to "Lend" the government money based on what Congress authorizes each year. This
"money" takes the form of Federal Reserve Notes (it's right there on the Dollar,
do you see it?)
These Notes are printed up from thin air. There is nothing of intrinsic value backing the value of these notes. For all intents and purposes, they are counterfeit.
Every time the government authorizes the distribution
of these Notes into the economy through government spending, the value of our
labor, property, pensions, and lives is diluted. Things don't cost more, the
Dollar has less value!
If this process is allowed to continue, eventually
the value of everything drops to zero.
In order to save our Society from this financial weapon of mass destruction, the U.S. Dollar must be once again regulated by the U.S. Treasury and be backed by precious metals such as gold, platinum, silver, and copper. The supply of Dollars must be carefully and incrementally reduced to increase its value and the value of our coins (Quarters, Dimes, Nickels, and Pennies).
Banks and other financial corporations must be reduced in size to prevent them from having significant control over the Nation's economy.
And, people must be educated to understand that Debt is slavery. The percentage of your wealth that you use to pay your debts is the amount of your labor that belongs to your creditors, you're working for them!
The Federal Reserve is a criminal enterprise exploiting our labor, resources, and lives in exchange for worthless paper. As a people, we must abolish this abominable gang of financial mobsters.
The process will be painful but necessary if we're to preserve our Liberty.
Great Lakes Water Levels and Climate Change
By Lewis C. Rudel
Global Warming (now referred to as “Climate Change”) is a very convenient theory when comes to Great Lakes Water levels. Back in 2012, the Lake Levels were at near record lows, and the Climate Change folks were telling us that the low water levels were due to “Global Warming”. Here is a small sample of the types of statements that were being made:
• National Geographic: “Climate Change and Variability Drive Low Water Levels on the Great Lakes.”
• The National Resources Defense Council: “Climate change is lowering Great Lakes water levels.” It’s no secret that, partially due to climate change, the water levels in the Great Lakes are getting very low.
• Dick Durbin: “What we are seeing in global warming is the evaporation of our Great Lakes.”
• Minnesota Public Radio: Scientists at the Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration [are] studying the interplay between low water levels, shrinking ice cover and warm water temperatures, Gronewold said. They have already concluded that climate change is playing a role in determining Great Lakes water levels.
In 2019, Lake Levels are now approaching their all time highs and we are being told by some folks that it is due to Climate Change. The EPA isn't really sure where the water levels are going saying that "the future is a little hazy".
Water levels
Overall, water levels in the Great Lakes are falling since reaching record highs in the 1980s, due to warmer air temperatures allowing for higher evaporation rates, regardless of the recent, short-term record highs due to increased rainfall and snow melt from the winter.
The future is a little hazy, as many models disagree on the fate of water levels, says GLISA. Most studies suggest that long-term water levels will, on average, drop. Some recent reports suggest they could increase, illustrating the large range in projections.
Columbia University agrees most climate models suggest declining lake levels over the next 100 years, pointing out one study that hypothesizes a drop as large as 8.2 feet, overall. Another model they discussed forecasts a wetter future with a very small increase in lake levels, but the university seems to believe actual levels in the future will end up somewhere in the middle, with water levels falling between 0.23 and 2.5 meters (0.75 to 8.2 feet) over the next century.
With some models predicting an increase in water levels and some models predicting a decrease in water levels, I wonder about basing any policy decisions on any of these models.
Science Works Every Time
By Maureen H. Rudel
This is an editorial I wrote for the July 2003 edition of the newsletter. Since that time, the phony "scientists" have renamed "global warming" to "climate change" since the weather has cooled, not warmed. Now they are calling it a "climate emergency" to try terrify the populace which has not been educated in real science by our ever-failing public schools into doing things that don't make sense.
Why do these people try to promote these scams? First, they want to tear down the American economy because we are an "evil" country for being so successful compared to most of the world. They hate "fossil fuels -- oil, gas and coal -- because we have lots of them and they produce plentiful and cheap energy which allows our industries to prosper. They want us to waste a lot of money, birds, and effort on solar and wind energy which are expensive and unreliable, so we will not be so successful. Next, they want to force us to support a lot of failing economies and countries run by socialists, communists and dictators so we won't be so much more successful. The real, heartfelt, reason for this passion is they hate America. I don't. And, having actually been trained as a scientist, I know bullshit when I see it.
don't care where you went to school, or how far you went, you were
"exposed" to some science. The problem is that it seems very
little of it became imbedded in the brains of most of the American public.
This is particularly true of the members of the mainstream media.
I don't think there is a "Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy" which meets in some corner somewhere and decides: "How can we fool them today?" I believe that people who go into journalism are most often enamored with the power of words. They enter the field on a mission. They want to make the world a better place. They are oozing with compassion and emotion. They are willing to do almost anything to accomplish their ends. Take a look at the various columnists, reporters and authors who have been exposed over the last several years for fabrication, plagiarism, distortion and totally erroneous works. Not one is a conservative. However, these do-gooders often do a great deal of harm by falling for something that sounds good and is nonsense. If they were to apply the smallest amount of scientific logic to their cause, the truth would out.
The scientific method (you remember this) depends upon logic. First, you develop a hypothesis to explain a phenomenon. Then, you develop an experiment to test the hypothesis. Next, perform the experiment. Analyze the result. This will tell you whether your original hypothesis was correct. If it was, you should be able to perform the same experiment time and again and get the same results. Think about the old magnet and compass. The magnet attracts the compass needle every single time.
Now, let's talk about some recent "issues" where a little logic would work.
I have a friend who had a daughter in college who was taking environmental science. That is the least scientific field I can think of. She started railing at her mother about recycling the trash. Her mother was at her wit's end with frustration. I suggested an experiment. Her daughter was assigned to follow the trash at her own college. All of the glass, cans, paper and garbage was separated in various bins. They were picked up separately. They all went to the land fill. They were all dumped in the same bin. However, the trash company was making a whole lot more money by charging for the handling of the separate bins. Think about it. If recycling really worked, people would pay YOU for your trash. However, no one ever tests a program like this which is so politically correct.
My favorite is global warming. First, one has to establish that the globe is in fact warming. This means that one has to have an accurate method of measuring the temperature of the globe over a very long time. Remember, thermometers are relatively new. What do you measure and how do you do it? If you can establish that the globe is warming, one might want to know why. One might also want to know how much it is warming, how long will it last, how hot will it get, and what will be the result. The global warming disaster-mongers cannot answer any of these questions. What they have done is to develop computer models which they say answers these questions. The problem with computer models is that if you put garbage in, you will get garbage out. Not a single model which they say will predict the future can accurately replicate the past. Remember, if it's real science, it will produce the same result each and every time.
If it's an anti-capitalist agenda, it will cost a whole lot of money, will produce a disaster for the United States and still won't solve the problem.
The Proposed
Changes to No-Fault Auto Insurance Policies Must Be Carefully Considered
By Maureen Rudel
I was
practicing in Detroit as a defense lawyer (insurance companies hired me) when
the No-Fault Act was passed. At the time, there was so much fraud for
"whiplash" injuries that everyone knew something had to happen.
One of my cases involved 6 plaintiffs who claimed injuries. I took their depositions and their lawyer did not show up, told me to go ahead without him. All of them were in a house when a car sideswiped their parked car on a side street. The driver stopped to give his information and the cops were called for a report (necessary at that time). Before the cops showed up a runner from one of the ambulance chasers arrived at the scene before the cops. He told the owner to get as many people as he could and bring them to the car. They all claimed to be inside and suffered injuries in the police report. The runner then took them all to his captive chiropractor who gave them all neck braces, x-rays and injury reports. The runner then took them to the lawyer in my building who wouldn't come to the deposition, and signed them up. He gave them each $500 to buy their claims, and started suit. The depositions, under oath, were all the same. When the case came up for a settlement conference I told the Democrat judge (most of them were) about the case. Rather than turn the lawyer in to the Bar Assn, he made me call my company and they agreed to settle the case for $250, because that was the cheapest way out. The attorney took it because, even though he lost money, he kept his license and could continue his scam. When you have an offer, you must call the company or client and present the offer, even if you don't agree with it.
The insurance companies were desperate and offered the No-Fault policies we now have. They designed the package. Later, the definition of the severity of the injury required for suit was defined to eliminate most nuisance suits. This was done at the request of the companies.
The No-Fault Act was one of the first in the country. The unlimited medical was a big part of the sale, along with the lost wages and payment for someone to care for the injured party.
One of the cases I had before No-Fault was when my Flower Delivery van turned left in front of a line of 4 cars. My client was clearly at fault and so I started a case to lay my $300,000 limits on the table and let the court divide it up. One of the injured in the first car was a 10-year old who was left a quadriplegic. There were 6 other claimants. Even if the little girl got all of the money it wouldn't have paid for her initial hospitalization, let alone the rest of her life.
I know there are problems with medical payments and the cost. The insurers' losses were limited to $250,000 with the balance being paid by the catastrophic fund to which they all contributed. I understand the fund is extremely large. Insurance is largely controlled by the state insurance regulators. Any changes in statutes should tell the regulators what to do. For example, to keep the Catastrophic Fund from accumulating excess funds, the regulators should be required from, time to time, to have an actuarial assessment of the open cases to estimate the existing liabilities. That's what the companies do to have sufficient monetary reserves to cover their losses. The companies should not be allowed to "store" extra money in the fund.
The problem with the difference in medical payments between medical insurance and auto-medical payments is really caused by the federal and state payments to hospitals and doctors for Medicaid, Medicare, Unemployment, Veterans, and other federal and state liabilities. They don't begin to cover the costs of care. When the providers have a chance to try to catch up so they don't go broke, they do. Perhaps it is time to try and correct the government payments problem at the same time the legislature looks at auto insurance payments problems.
I was in the hospital recently for pneumonia. I had great care. On every shift there was at least a registered nurse, LPN, aide, if not more. There were pulmonary experts, x-ray technicians, ER doctors, etc. The cafeteria was available. We expect these things and get them. They have a cost. All of these people must be paid. Our hospital, along with many others, is going broke. St. Joseph, in Tawas, is part of the Ascension group.
People don't want to pay high insurance rates. They want someone else to pay for all the things they want. The very people who want to pay the least carry 20/40 limits on their auto policies with no vehicle coverage. If they cause an accident which is serious, their policy won't begin to pay the cost. If they, and the people they hit, are seriously injured, they want the kind of care I got. Someone has to pay.
You know if you give the 20/40 people a choice of paying for unlimited medical, they won't pay for it. They will expect it if they are hurt, and will go on disability and Medicaid so we (the taxpayers) can pay their bills.
The insurers designed this program and now they want out. Too bad.
When the legislators do look at this issue, please keep in mind that little 10-year old girl whose family was just driving someplace when her whole world was changed by my driver. The cost to take care of her is in the millions. There aren't many of her, but there are enough serious accidents where the cost for care, lost wages, and household help, along with home modification costs, far exceed the $250,000 figure to make it a real problem.
The Danger of
By David Chandler
A Cartel is an
association of similar companies that join together to corner a particular
market. Illegal Drug Cartels come to mind.
In the case of Healthcare, the government and Healthcare Insurance Corporations have joined together to establish Obama Care which is being used to extort the wealth of the people under the guise of providing “Free Healthcare Services for all”. It’s the classic “Bait and Switch”!
There are two ways to be successful in business. One is to provide superior products and services at competitive prices. The other is to Lobby the government to provide you favored status in the market. Cartels pursue the latter.
As part of the process, competition is run out of business through costly regulation; effectively exchanging the free market for a government coerced bureaucracy.
The logical progression of any cartel is to incrementally withhold services, which lowers overhead while at the same time increases demand which justifies increased prices, leading to increased profit. Two examples of this model in Michigan are the Auto Insurance Industry (No Fault Insurance) and the Energy Industry (Consumer’s and DTE monopoly). Both of these industries enjoy the protection of government and are also enjoying maximum profits. The government, making it mandatory for people to pay fees artificially determined by a board consisting of the government and the industry, guarantees the profitability of the arrangement. The government also profits through the collection of fees and taxes.
Because the government coerces obedience through the threat of violence (Try not paying your property taxes and see what happens.), any plausible rational can be used to justify increasing fees. A Government supported Cartel has it’s own “Name your Price Tool”.
Ultimately, the government will turn on its “Partners” exposing their corruption in order to seize control of the market and ALL of the profits. This is why I fully expect some form of “Single Payer” system to be adopted by the government to seize absolute control of the Health Care Industry.
By Maureen Rudel
Proposal 3 is another Constitutional
Amendment which would add voting policies to the Constitution which are now
covered by statutory law.
It would add straight-ticket voting, automatic and same-day voter registration, and no-excuse absentee voting. I would allow people top register by mail until 15 days before an election, compared to the present 30 days.
The changes are supported by a number of prominent Democrats, the ACLU, American Jewish Committee, Detroit Regional chamber, League of Women Voters, Michigan State Retirees Association, NAACP, National Council of Jewish Women, and United Auto Workers.
The major problem I see is same-day registration, and 15-day registration by mail. Minnesota has same-day registration.
The Center of the American Experiment reported on July 1, 2016, that a new voter fraud case before the Minnesota Supreme Court claimed 1,366 ineligible felons have cast at least 1,670 fraudulent votes in recent statewide elections, possibly tipping the outcome of close contests, including the 2008 U.S. Senate race.
"The case holds repercussions for the 2016 election with the plaintiffs seeking a court order to prevent state and local election officials from distributing ballots to ineligible voters by implementing new safeguards.
"The lawsuit marks the culmination of a years-long effort to challenge suspected voter fraud tied to Minnesota’s same day voting registration law. More than half a million Minnesotans register to vote on Election Day in general election years like 2016."
It is easy to see a group of out-of-state voters registering by mail 15 days before the election and requesting an absentee ballot. These could be sent to a phony address in state, completed and sent back by mail. When you vote absentee you do not have to produce a government-issued picture I.D. You sign the ballot and return it. With all of the activity prior to the election, it is likely that there would not be sufficient time to verify the registration. In larger cities and towns, the election workers are not likely to know all of the voters. No election official will see any identification.
There is no need for this Constitutional amendment. It is an invitation to fraud.
By Maureen Rudel
On the November ballot is a proposal
for a Constitutional Amendment to change the way voting districts are
determined. The supposed reason for this change is the odd shape of some
The proposal asks the voters to change from having the districts established by a law passed by the house and senate and signed by the governor. All of the founding leaders of the proposal "Voters Not Politicians" are Democrat party activists or donors.
The proposal is a solution in search of a problem. We actually have a historic system here in Michigan where our districts are based upon the Apol Standard, which was developed by a former state elections director named Bernie Apol. He was appointed a special master by the Michigan Supreme Court in the 1980 redistricting process, when the two parties couldn’t come together on a map. And he was appointed by the chief justice at the time, Charles Levin, who was actually an independent-nominated Supreme Court justice. And those standards require us to maintain the integrity of communities across the state. We break as few city, township, and county lines as possible so that we maintain communities, and so they can best represent the people who live in those communities. Under VNP, political parties and interest groups will lobby for districts to protect "communities of interest," an undefined term, which will likely encourage segregation by race, religion or religious identities.
In addition, the federal Voting Rights Act, when it was passed in 1964, required if you can build majority-minority districts—and in this case, two majority African-American districts, which Detroit has had since the advent of the Voting Rights Act—that you MUST build two African-American majority districts. And as we’ve seen in the last 30 years in this area, there has been a migration of a large number of African-Americans out of the city of Detroit and across the Metro Detroit area. And so there are 2 districts that follow that migration, making them oddly shaped, but leaving the units of government as compact as possible.
This new proposal would have the Secretary of State choose 13 part time Redistricting Commissioners to do the redistricting. They will be prohibited from being precinct delegates, legislators, campaign employees or volunteers, or family members of anyone who has participated in any of these activities in the last 6 years.. They will be chosen at random from a pool of 10,000 who basically have nothing to do with politics.
Under our present system, the districts established by the legislature and signed by the governor require the representatives chosen by the citizens, comprised of both parties be compact and reasonable. If the product signed by the governor is perceived to be unfair or illegally drawn, a court challenge can be pursued.
It seems to me to be very strange to turn the redistricting process over to 13 people who are the least likely to realize what they are doing. Now, we have 110 representatives, 38 senators and a governor doing the job with the courts acting as the check on the process.
Why President Trump is Important to Republicans
By Maureen Rudel
To older Republicans like me who
remember Ronald Reagan as our favorite President, it is surprising how much we
really like Donald Trump.
When Ronald Reagan ran, the establishment Republicans at the State and National level tried everything they could to keep him from winning the nomination. The first time he ran, in 1976, Gerald Ford, was pushed forward to the relief of the party big-wigs who promptly lost to Jimmy Carter, our previously worst president. In 1980, they lost their battle and Reagan won two terms.
Like President Trump, Reagan knew how to speak to crowds, knew what he believed, and, did the best he could to get his policies adopted. He did have a Republican Senate for part of his time in office, but never had the House. Nevertheless, he turned the country around from the disaster Carter left. The Establishment never liked him, but couldn't defeat him at the polls.
With Barack Obama taking over as the worst president ever, Trump won the nomination over 16 establishment candidates. He worked hard and won the Presidency.
The "Swamp" Republican establishment doesn't like him. They don't like how he says things, how he fights them and the news media and is unashamed of his love of our country. The establishment wants to support the multinational corporations and trade deals and illegal immigration which keep their costs down and American wages in the tank. They get millions of dollars from these interests and somehow or another seem to get rich in office.
Trump doesn't need their money or support because he has the "Deplorables" behind him. Slowly but surely he is winning the battle. He's the first candidate since Reagan who doesn't try to get the main stream media to like him and knows how to fight for his priorities. While many of us are fed up with the State and Federal Establishment, we know the only fight we cannot win is the fight we do not have.
Democrat Trump Derangement Syndrome
By Maureen Rudel
Over the 20-plus years I have been
active with the Republican Party in Iosco County, I have seen a continued
pattern of property destruction and theft by Democrats of campaign signs and
Republican property. This does not happen to Democrats by Republicans. It is
attributed by me to the total intolerance by the Left (Democrats, Communists,
Socialists, Progressives, Liberals, etc.) of any opinions other than their own.
I have come to the conclusion that the Left knows if they tell the truth about their goals, no one would vote for them. For some strange reason, they think the world owes them a living. They were born and it is up to the rest of us to provide for all their needs and wants at little to no cost to them. This is why they always claim that those who have worked hard, saved their money to buy what they want and need and provide for their own retirement should pay more taxes to support those who have not worked and saved.
They believe that they are smarter, better, and know more than those stupid Conservatives who don't agree with them. Therefore, they know they should be in control to run the lives of those stupid people who don't know how to think correctly.
I have never seen it worse than with the present Trump Derangement Syndrome. Trump is everything they hate, a successful, wealthy. white guy who wants to get the government out of our lives as much as possible.
It has now come to the point that many on the Left celebrate the shooting of Republicans on a baseball field in Washington, DC. This is outrageous. If the Left wants to start a shooting battle, they should remember that most of their ilk are into banning guns, while many of the people they want to shoot are well armed and know how to use the weapons they own.
What A Wonderful Day
By Maureen H. Rudel
On November 8, 2016, the
Republicans accomplished something that has not happened since 1928 -- they won
the Presidency and held the US Senate and US House of Representatives.
I know that a lot of people were surprised by the result. I was not. Since the middle of October I've been telling everyone who asked that Donald J. Trump would win. There were good reasons for my confidence. Dawn Campbell, the Vice Chair of the Iosco County Republicans, President of the Sunrise Side Republican Women and Chair of the Trump Campaign in Iosco, arranged with a number of other counties to buy Trump signs in bulk to get them at a reasonable price. At the last Republican State Convention, $4000 worth of signs were dropped off and distributed to the counties that bought them. Dawn picked 300 and was able to sell them for $2. Then came the Trump mobs -- the first in Oscoda and the second in East Tawas. People showed up even in the rain. The second one was September 27th and all of the signs were gone. We got more for the opening of the East Tawas headquarters. A good group of people showed up and before long the headquarters calendar for volunteers was filling up. The next Saturday the Oscoda headquarters opened and the signs were flying out the door up there as well.
Meanwhile, the volunteers were filling up the East Tawas calendar. After a couple of weeks, we ran out of signs again. We got our final batch. They were gone before the election. Iosco County distributed over 700 signs. We had literature on the various candidates that was disappearing as it never had. We had more visitors than we have ever had before and the headquarters was manned every day it was supposed to be open. The same story was happening in Oscoda. We owed a lot to our volunteers. We had people volunteering to do door-knocking. But the point is this -- in my 20 years of experience with campaign headquarters, I had never seen such enthusiasm.
So many people were fed up with the establishment politicians of both parties and the fact that all they cared about was collecting money from the Chamber of Commerce, Wall Street and big businesses that want open borders, cheap labor and cheap products. They don't care what their constituents want or what is good for Americans and America. Trump does and the voters knew it.
Let us hope that our state and federal representatives were listening and stop selling us out. We should not be paying taxes or supporting laws that are designed to benefit special interests and big business. Trump's victory should teach them all a lesson.
We are going to make America great again.
Things That Need to Be Said
Dave Agema, Republican National Committeeman, Mi.
Since I was not allowed to speak at the General Session Meeting by our
Chairwoman Ronna Romney's orders, I felt it necessary to place the comments
below in writing that I was not allowed to speak to.
First, we must maintain our brand and the principles which distinguish us from
the democrats. This is not happening. From my many speaking engagements
statewide I have heard consistent complaints that our legislators and governor
are not acting like republicans. Our budgets have gone up more and faster than
under Granholm. The people specifically said NO to an increase in the gas tax.
The republican led majority passed one anyway, with an automatic inflation
factor built in so that the tax will rise on its own. I believe this to be in
conflict with the Headlee amendment. They are buying a new senate building at
3-4 times its value, then when all is set up in the new building it is estimated
the cost to be over $130 million. They have passed Medicaid Expansion which is
part of Obamacare which will cost taxpayers hundreds of millions. This pays
Medicare rates instead of Medicaid rates, hence many dollars by lobbyists were
spent making sure they got their way and too many took large contributions for
its passage - some as high as $500,000. This should not have passed.
So what's my point? Many elected officials could CARE LESS what you do at state
committee. Elected officials expect YOU to support them with time and money to
assure their election even when they don't abide by their promises concerning
spending and don't act like republicans. They really don't care what you think
unless it effects their election or your needed help. They do what they want to
do for position, power and money. I know, I've been there and most of you have
not. I have personally witnessed this. They need to be taken to the wood shed
and it made clear via emails, calls, letters, etc., that this is unacceptable.
It's not their seat, it's the people's seat and if they act like democrats they
are ruining our party because our grassroots base will see no difference between
democrats and republicans. They ruin our brand and more people stay home and
don't vote. Too many grassroots are extremely upset and see republicans just as
bad as democrats. Their failure to follow the principles outlined in the
Platform is tearing the party apart.
I have taken huge hits by some in our own party (many hits from well funded
liberals in the party) for standing up against homosexual marriage, radical
Islam and for reposting Col. West's article on the breakdown of the family. The
good news is that despite their efforts to blackball me from speaking at GOP
events, I am still able to get my message out. I have spoken at multiple
Michigan GOP functions, Tea Party, 9/12, Faith-based, and other venues. I have
been given a platform to debate radical Islam to 23 million people, including
the Middle East, on ABN/TCT television network. We have had many discussions of
what Islam is and debated Imams, while CAIR ( Council on American Islamic
Relations - a terrorist funding organization) has placed me and others like
General Boykin, Allen West, Kamal Saleem (former Muslim Brotherhood terrorist,
now Christian) on a quasi-hit list for lone wolves. We are exposing what Islam
is and isn't, and they are NOT happy. Fatwas are on many. Last time I looked I
was number 16 of about 50 on that list and their excuse wasn't even a statement
I made. Typical of the lies from the critics!
Also as far back as 2007-2012 I introduced bills to stop sanctuary cities. These
cities should not be rewarded with tax dollars while they are breaking the law.
I also introduced bills to stop Sharia law in Michigan and our Governor and
present Senate Leader didn't think they were necessary - they are dead wrong. Ten
states have already passed ALAC (American Law in American Courts) legislation,
and 22 more have legislation in process. Recent events are proving my foresight
on Islam, sharia law, illegal immigration, etc., are needed and RIGHT ON THE
MONEY. These laws were considered not politically correct and our leaders bow to
the negative press from being called xenophobic, islamaphobic, etc. In short,
they capitulate their duty out of FEAR, and in some cases, due to the reward of
campaign donations from special interest lobbyists. It's time to stop bowing to
the PC crowd, and put the interests of Michigan citizens first.
do the same or we will lose our base. Hold your elected officials' feet to the
fire. I took great heat by doing what I promised as a state rep but was ranked
as 100% conservative and I was much appreciated in my district for sticking to
As a side note General Boykin told me that
• ISIS is in every state of the Union and especially in Michigan.
• Dearborn is the 330th largest city in the United States.
• Dearborn total population 96,000 residents.
• Dearborn has an estimated 39,600 muslims
• Dearborn has more residents on federal terrorist watch list than
any U.S. city except New York.
• There are 58,000 foreign student visa holders who've violated their visas.
• Over 6000 of those are expired and the holders un-accounted for.
• 80% of the people we catch crossing our border (and we don't catch many) that
are not Hispanic, are from Muslim countries.
Refugee status from Muslim countries must stop. We are getting about 97% Muslim
refugees and 3% Christian refugees from the UN. The Christians are being
massacred by all sides and their children are sold as sex slaves. The enemies of
our nation, with the help of Obama, are using civilization jihad to infiltrate
the U.S. It must stop!
Thanks for listening.
Don't Trust Anyone in Government
By Maureen Rudel
Over my years with the local party I
have met many men and women who have held various positions in government. In
the not too distant past one of these people told me "Don't trust anyone" in
government. As I have been watching what is going on in Washington, DC and
Lansing in all branches of government that person could not have spoken truer
At the state level, the State party and big donors attempt to punish conservatives for standing with their principles. Recently some conservatives have been ejected from the Republican conference because they would not vote against the will of their constituents. The State party actively seeks candidates to run against conservative incumbents, while trying to clear the field for those who are not.
We can remember in the not-too-distant past when the rules were changed for a convention to try to keep a candidate out of the race, lining up district chairs against the candidate to kneecap him. This effort probably backfired with county delegates because it was so openly unfair.
In Washington, DC, recent votes on Trade Promotion Authority were forced through the House and Senate despite overwhelming opposition from both Republican and Democrat constituents. This secret document could not be read openly, copied or discussed in detail - much like the famous Nancy Pelosi comment that "You have to pass it to find out what's in it." So the Republicans carried Obama's water and are richly rewarded by the Chamber of Commerce and big business who want to get immigration arguments out of the hands of Congress and turn it over to a governing body composed mostly of countries who really don't like us.
For those few stalwart conservatives who did not agree with this approach, Speaker John Boehner yanked their positions on committees and in the party.
Mitch McConnell, Majority Leader of the Senate took a different approach. The senators received large and appreciative donations to their campaigns.
Then there is the latest sellout by the US Supreme Court on Obamacare which had to ignore the clear language of the statute to come to a conclusion the justices wanted to reach. This is no longer just a "living constitution," it's made out of silly putty.
Since we cannot trust our leadership at either the State or Federal level, the only real way we can fight back is to join with the tea parties. Do not send a single dime to the State or Federal party, they are already rolling in dough from the people to whom they sold out. Don't just donate to candidates you know and personally like, if they don't vote with their constituents, they don't deserve your support. Maybe Democrats will win those seats. It won't make a difference if the Republicans vote as Democrats. At least you'll get the real thing.
Truth in politics
By Bob Lamb, Alpena Tea Party
Our representatives in the house, senate and even the White House
can serve constituents in a couple of different ways. The most American model is
to know what the majority wants and make decisions accordingly.
Unfortunately, today’s most commonly accepted representation model features elected officials voting to please themselves. They do this because they think they know the politics better than the simple folks they represent. So to keep the simple folks in line politicians come up with a concocted version of the truth brewed over morning coffee or a few beers with co-conspirators.
Hillary brews her truth for the simple folks assisted by husband Bill the ex-president concocter. She is a politician who believes constituents cannot handle the truth so she concocts a politically acceptable version. To do this she is secretive, provides incoherent explanations to the gullible folks and exhibits contempt for anyone demanding real answers.
Hillary is not alone in choosing a concocted truth model. Most politicians believe they absolutely cannot be elected, or stay in office, if they are totally honest: therefore are truthful only when forced into it. In reality, what the simple folks actually want is a politician who'll tell them what they want to hear and proclaim that to be the truth.
Acceptance of the concocted truth is an after-thought because the real goal is advancement of an agenda laid-out by themselves and their co-conspirators. They can present an explanation to the simple-folks when it becomes absolutely necessary.
If the public really wants political truth it must begin with diligently searching for honest representatives. Voters should seek representatives who best exhibit truth, honesty and faith to both their constituents and the constitution.
Help each other find the truth. Ask questions. Just maybe you’ll find you are already getting the truth
The Myth of Free
Bob Lamb, Alpena Tea Party
Our friends, relatives and even our
elected officials think money we get from the Feds is free money. In reality our
money goes from our hands to federal bank accounts by various taxes we pay. With
our money the government is able to pay for programs the state administers in
the name of the people. Money comes from taxpayers, goes to Washington for
laundering and then the scrubbed-money comes back to the states loaded with
rules and regulations for using what the feds believe to be their money
The constitution does not provide for these infringements on states’ rights so
the feds use our money to bribe state officials to go along with their plans.
This is done by devising programs at the national level that, in theory, help
tax payers living in each state. The funds have created on-going programs that
many people, in and out of government, think we cannot get along without.
Consequently even well intentioned state legislators do not have the nerve to
challenge this system foisted on the states.
Is it legal? Yes but States can legally refuse free money.
Why, in Lansing, don’t we refuse? States can opt out of most programs but
legislators know refusal has potential voter backlash. Most of the free money
comes to states in the form of entitlements and grants-in-aid which have the
appearance of being totally funded by the feds. Programs usually only need
administering by state and local officials. Of course these local people cannot
be depended on to handle administration in a flawless manner so the feds write
thousands of regulations and even send helpful overseers to dabble with our
We the people need a Champion in Lansing enforcing our States Rights as written
in the constitution.
The Silent Generation
By Dennis Shannon
my life I have been hearing about the Baby Boomers and the Gen X'ers.
I stumbled upon an article about the "Silent Generation" (sometimes called
Traditionalists)." Various age definitions, but generally born between
1927 to 1945. So finally I have my own group. I've been surfing articles
about it.
In general they say we were overshadowed by the "G.I. generation" (renamed by
Tom Brocaw as the Greatest Generation) and the Baby Boomers. We never elected a
President, but skipped from Bush (G.I.) to Clinton (Boomer). Our numbers are
small, which caused the overshadowing.
The Depression had leveled Class Distinctions, so we had fewer boundaries. We
created the Civil Rights movement. While there are exceptions, there are few
outstanding leaders or writers in our group.
In general, we kept our heads down, worked hard and got an education. Were loyal
to our employers. Had many advantages, so some people have called us the
"Lucky Few".
Among our advantages were low interest rates during our start-up years. Good
employment opportunities (post WW-II labor shortage, and our small numbers.)
Social Security and Medicare worked well for us because
of the population increase of the Boomers. (Basically, Ponzi Schemes work as
long as the number of payers is increasing.)
Our timing was impeccable. We established home equity before the high interest
rates of the 80's. Wages rose during our entire work life. Many of us retired
and restructured our finances before the bubble burst in the late 90's.
During our youth, most old people were considered poor. We were making as much
by age 30, as other generations made during their peak earning years. As a
group, we were frugal and continuously saved; always taking a cautious approach
to debt.
While the G.I. Generation had decent retirements; the Silent Generation is the
wealthiest generation ever. We wonder why the following generations are
having such a hard time.
One article says that the Baby Boomers and Gen X'ers will never recover
financially from the last recession (to the point of matching the Silent
Generation.) So we may be the wealthiest generation ever!
Another thing I read is that we often finance
family vacations with our grown children and grandchildren. That was very
uncommon in earlier generations.
From memory, the G.I. retired couples had average assets around $94k. For the
Silent's, its about $194.
So that's a quick summery of the articles I've read. Thought you might find it
Swing to the Left
is Dangerous
By Bob Lamb, Alpena Tea Party
The political pendulum has
taken a dangerous swing to the left. Liberal/progressives have a strangle hold
on government that is choking America. With uncompromising control of the Senate
and White House liberal/progressives have created a far left policy swing that
can only be corrected by the combined conservative efforts of the Republican
Party and the Tea Party.
Almost 50% of Americans currently call themselves conservative, 21% are liberal
and the balance are moderate. Washington’s actions show there are no
conservative Democrats.
Many of those we have elected claim to be conservative. Every thinking American
knows far left programs are not working so anyone who can lay claim to
conservatism is climbing on the band-wagon. Many proudly stand in front of
cameras on national TV and try to look like conservatives.
For real conservatives the definition is simply-small government as defined by
the constitution, adherence to the Bill of Rights and Economic freedom. In the
past this has been the platform of the grand old party (GOP) but Tea Party
support for these ideals leads to criticism from all directions. Including the
Still the Tea Party is not looking for a fight with entrenched GOP politicians
and their handlers. The principal strategy of Tea Party activists around America
is to educate about the constitution, bill of rights and what economic freedom
really means. Along the way the Tea Party hopes to convince America that the
number one goal of liberal/progressives is to subvert our form of government and
our way of life.
In a recent poll of registered Republicans it was found that approximately 40%
think Tea Party conservatives will help the GOP in upcoming elections. In the
near future candidates must be chosen, party platforms constructed, frustrations
aired and fences mended.
We the people are ready to help.
Citizens or
By Maureen Rudel
While I realize that most school
systems of today don't teach the real history of the United States and the
establishment of the Constitution by that politically incorrect group of dead
white men, I'm old enough to remember when schools did teach real history.
In order to realize what an exceptional country our founders established, it is important to recognize what existed in other countries at the time and before. Most of the European nations evolved from feudal societies, where various noblemen held on to their property by having established their own armies to defend their claim and by having peasants farm the estates to provide food for the lords and their armies. The peasants were also allowed to keep some of what they grew. The only person who claimed ownership of the land was the lord. These estates normally passed by inheritance to the lord's children by the rule of primogeniture. (First male wins.)
Eventually, one lord would win by war, all or most of the estates in an area. This ultimately led to the coronation of a King, who ruled over all of the lords and who gave and took property as he saw fit. The King was considered to have received his power from God and ruled over all of his "subjects." Over the years, in England, the Barons (land-holding lords) decided that they were tired of losing their property at the whim of the King and his heirs and threatened to dethrone him. Over time, the parliamentary system was adopted in England with the Monarchy and a parliament with the House of Commons to speak for the peasants and the House of Lords to represent the hereditary nobles.
After America was discovered the King, in exchange for promises of wealth and other considerations, allowed certain of his patrons to establish colonies in the New World. These colonies, such as Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania, etc. had to attract people to move to America as colonists. Since the nobles had no reason to leave their cushy world of wealth and privilege, most of the colonists were peasants and/or dissenters. Many of these colonists were religious dissenters because England had a State Church, with the King as the head of the Church as well. All the subjects had to support the church with their taxes, whether or not they agreed with the tenets of the Church.
About 150 years after the establishment of the English colonies, the upstart Founding Fathers decided that they no longer wanted to be governed by a far-away parliament that considered America a "cash-cow" to support English wars and expansion across the world with Governors appointed by the King who also took money from the people in the colonies.
After a failed experiment with socialism early on, capitalism had really taken off here, and the colonists had established a legal system, had local governance and property rights. They were not thrilled by the oppression from the King and parliament, in particular, the taxes.
After the successful revolution, and dissatisfaction with the Articles of Confederation, the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution. Unlike England's constitution, America's Constitution was in writing. It was established to correct what were perceived to be the abuses and problems of the monarchy.
The most important difference between the two constitutions was the source of power. Under the American Constitution, the power came from the people who were endowed by their creator with inalienable natural rights that cannot be taken away. In America, the residents are "citizens" not "subjects." There is no nobility and no King who can impose his will on the people.
We are still governed by that Constitution, but are going through an extremely rough patch. We have a president who thinks he is a divine ruler. We have legislators who go to Washington, get sucked into the Democrat city and the media and decide that they are now the ruling lords over we, the peasants. At least the Democrats are honest enough to tell you that you are too stupid to run your own life or make your own living. They will tell you what to eat, what to buy, what to drink, where you can live and what you can make. Like the feudal lords, the product of your labors belong to them and they will decide what you are allowed to keep. The problem is that too many Republicans apparently agree with those ideas. The longer they are in office, the more they decide that the laws they pass should not apply to them because they are "special." That is why so many establishment Republicans despise the Tea Party and Conservatives. These upstarts will not act like the "subjects" they are.
We had better decide whether or not the Constitution is worth saving. If it is, it's time to clean house of all of the Feudal Lords, no matter which party they claim.
First Obamacare
By Dennis Shannon, East Tawas
Summer Resident
I had my first experience with
Obamacare yesterday. My Florida doctor wanted me to have a blood test done in
three months, which meant it must be performed in Michigan. So I had checked,
and found I could get it done at a local outpatient clinic attached to the
The first problem was locating the correct line. One older woman was just
standing there angry because her records were misplaced. So I finally determined
I needed to stand behind the other woman, who was waiting. Once attended to, the
intake clerk copied my ID and orders and told me to wait in the lobby. I said I
would wait, because I had been told we would all be doing a lot of waiting with
Obamacare. She didn't see the humor in my comment.
After about a 20 minute wait, I was called into see records clerk. She spent a
lot of time trying to determine that I had never been to this clinic before. I
think that was to see if I owed them any money.
She struggled with finding a license code for my out of state doctor. Then she
said my out of state request for blood work wouldn't do, and copied it over to
their sheet. Then she said she would finish my paperwork later. Told me to take
my sheet to the door across the lobby for my blood work.
The person there said she couldn't do the work without all of my paperwork. I
described the cubicle that the previous clerk was sitting in and suggested she
call her. She got on the phone and argued with someone. Then said the patient is
here, and I can't expect him to walk it over. I told her I was ambulatory and
would take the paperwork back.
So I go back to the previous office and I am waiting, when the previous woman
appears with another piece of paper and complains about it being incomplete.
Then they have a three person argument about how to handle my paperwork. Finally
the woman who said she would finish my paperwork later, said she would do it
now. She kicked the person sitting in her cube back to the waiting room.
She then started telling me that she was ready to quit. They keep reducing
people and increasing the work load. She said she could make the same amount of
money working at McDonalds and not have all the stress. She said she told her
husband to not be surprised if she came home early some day saying she had quit.
I started telling her that I wouldn't add to her stress level. It was a good
idea to consider her options, and that she shouldn't let the stress bother her.
Maybe a career change might be the right thing to do. (I didn't charge her for
the work place counseling.)
It only takes a few minutes to complete the paperwork, but she needs to add the
"medical codes" for the various blood tests. She tells me that I will have
to wait in the lobby until someone qualified puts the codes on the paperwork. I
considered leaving and getting it done in Florida, but really had nothing
important to do.
After another 20 minute wait, I am called back in and told my paperwork is ready
for me to take to the clinic. So I am back in the clinic with my
paperwork. There the woman apologies for what had happened. She told me she was
from Germany, and they have the kind of system we are going to implement. She
says Germany is trying to get rid of the system because it is too expensive.
They have a 19% tax to pay for it.
She goes on to say the system was supposed to be "paperless" and they have more
paper than ever. People say "free healthcare"; it is not free, it is very
So once again, I go into counseling mode. I tell her that I spent a large part
of my life implementing computer systems. They are doing the right thing by
changing their procedures to match the computer system. It is changing the
procedures which is causing the stress because people resist change. They are
paralleling the system with paper while they are changing the procedures. In
time the paper will be eliminated when they are confident in the system.
But on her larger point, I agreed with her. It is too expensive, but for people
who don't want to work or to educate themselves, it is "free". For the rest of
us, we not only have to pay for our own healthcare, we have to pay for the
healthcare for those who won't or can't work.
I said I was in Sweden last year. The Swedes are constantly lecturing everyone
about their wonderful welfare system. Yet, they had riots in Stockholm this
spring. The reason is they gave sanctuary to a lot of Muslims; who neither work
or educate themselves. They rioted because the best welfare system in the
world is not enough for them. They want the same standard of living as the rest
of the country without educating themselves or working. Such a system eventually
She was in complete agreement with me!
Finally I get a young
person ready to draw my blood. I realized she was a student, but that doesn't
bother me. All of us were once students. I asked her if she was a local graduate
and a "Brave"? She said she was.
When she couldn't find a good vein, I told her now was the time for her to tell
me "That I shouldn't drink coffee before blood work because it is a diuretic and
makes finding a vein difficult." She snapped right back saying, "I would tell
you that, but it sounds like you've already had that lecture." I really liked
her after that, she had some spunk!
When she found a vein in the other arm, she started reading the English version
of the tests required. I told her I had waited 20 minutes for the Numeric Codes
to be put on my form. She laughed at that.
She did a good job on my arm and I complemented her for it.
So the student was the bright spot of the day. But I came home a little worried
about all of my medical records being online. The Government is monitoring our
phone calls and e-mails, how safe will our medical records be from abuse?
Also, my Medicare and Social Security numbers are the same, so now my Financial
Records can be linked with my Medical Records. That gives me reason to worry a
Thoughts from Dave
Michigan Republican Party National
The attention on immigration reform
has now turned to the House, where Republicans recognize there is a need for
reform and also believe that real, lasting reform cannot be rushed. In a GOP
conference meeting last week, Republican leaders expressed the importance of
working toward a real solution. House Republicans recognize that our immigration
system is broken, and have already worked on separate bills to address some of
the pressing needs. They will now take up the task of crafting a reform plan of
their own.
Student loan rates doubled this month, and grads have the Democrats to blame.
Stafford student loan rates doubled on July 1 because Senate Democrats and the
President failed to act. House Republicans did everything they could to fix the
problem, and passed a relief package in May that was partly based on an idea
from the President himself. Republicans in Congress remain committed to a
bipartisan solution, yet Democrats drug their feet and played politics, opposing
the President's own plan, and blocking any chance of any other plan passing.
It's time for Harry Reid to stop playing games and to start working with
Republicans to provide relief to students.
These ARE the times that try men's souls. Now we find that the IRS Chief Wilkins
held up 2,900 Tea Party-type applications prior to the 2012 election, so they
couldn't raise money against Obama. In addition, Obama signed yet another
executive order (more abuse) requiring mandatory HIV testing under ObamaCare for
ages 15-65. Survivors of Benghazi were forced to sign non-disclosure agreements.
Folks, more than ever we need people willing to take a stand against any and all
tyranny. We are being over-regulated and taxed at every juncture. Obama has and
is centralizing power to our detriment. Paraphrasing Lincoln - "most men can
withstand adversity, but few men withstand being given power." It seems we are
reaping the results of a drunk-with-power president with a socialistic mentality
who knows so little of basic economics.
I have never feared my own government more than now. If Christians, Tea
Partiers, and Libertarians are considered terrorists under watch lists, then we
are being led by a dictator with evil intent. More than ever we need true
leaders who serve to protect the citizens of the U.S. from such abuse. Even in
the military our soldiers are feeling the grip of our anti-God leaders by not
allowing use or reading of their Bibles, nor sharing their faith. Chaplains are
being restricted on what used to be common place, even to the extent of not
praying with our troops. WE NEED A CHANGE! As Reagan said, "One nation under
God," or a nation gone under.
Hold your elected officials to a high standard. Make your voices heard. If they
don't listen, vote them out. One thing is for sure, now is NOT the time to bail
out of the process. Now is the time to fight as you have never fought before. If
you don't, we will become the very thing we used to fight against. Only you, by
your involvement, can prevent this from happening.
We Might Want to Rethink How We Allocate Presidential
By Maureen Rudel
In the last
presidential election, Mitt Romney gave up on Michigan right from the beginning
of the presidential campaign. While he wanted the primary votes, he must
have looked at the odds of carrying Michigan and decided from the very beginning
he had no chance. This was why he never appeared here, didn't put
resources here, didn't provide sufficient signs or literature early in the
He decided that he would not play Charlie Brown kicking the football while Lucy was holding it as so many other candidates have in the past. He is a shrewd businessman if nothing else. He does not like to waste money.
I did some rough calculations on the basis of the voter returns in the various congressional districts. Romney won at least the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th and 10th. Obama probably won the 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th. (It is difficult to determine the exact breakdown because the Secretary of State publishes the results by county and not by congressional district. Some of the large counties are broken into more than one district.) Southeast Michigan with its overwhelming Democrat population in the cities simply outweighs the whole rest of the state.
Two states, Maine and Nebraska allocate their electoral votes by congressional district. There is nothing in the Michigan Constitution that declares how the electors should be allocated. The legislature can vote to change the present system if it chooses to do so. It might be time to think about allocating by congressional district. It also has the benefit of insulating other districts if one or more have "unusual" results.
In the last presidential election, in St. Lucie County, Florida only one precinct had less than 113% turnout. The turnout county-wide was 141%, with the highest precinct reporting in at 158.85%. If percentages like that were to occur, for example, in Wayne County, it probably would not make any difference how the rest of the state voted because of the population difference.
We have time to consider this as an alternative before the next presidential election. If Michigan wants to play a role in the selection of the next president, something has to change. There are probably some disadvantages to this proposal, but since there are two states where it is used, the legislature could explore the advantages and disadvantages in committee hearings.
After All That
Campaigning, Here's My Reaction to the Election. . .
By Karen Elizabeth Bush, Rochester,
County-by-County map Red=Romney Blue=Obama
America woke up Wednesday morning to find that its electorate had chosen to
retain a man as president who is determined – either in the name of political
correctness, selfish personal ambition, or sheer vindictiveness (take your pick)
– to “change” America into a second rate socialist nation. Those same voters
left the House of Representatives (thank God) under conservative control, but
kept the Senate in the liberal camp. Anybody of social security age and older,
thanks to the resulting tacit reinforcement of Obamacare, has just learned that
his or her life expectancy has been shortened by at least fifteen years. Should
this calamity happen not to apply to you personally because you are young enough
to represent more positive return on any investment of nationalized health
insurance dollars, you still have an America waiting for you in 2012-2013 that
is substantially less supportive, less welcoming, less secure, and less happy
than it has been in 236 years. On the other hand, if you are an enemy
speculating about America’s pending collapse on economic, social, and, above
all, military fronts, you are absolutely rubbing your hands with glee.
I could be depressed, and I have talked to a number of people in the past day or so who ARE depressed and therefore are beaten. My reaction to the incredible gullibility and idiocy of the American people is more to try to analyze the way that conservative adults (and I stress the word “adults”) still can fight -- on what conservatives can do now, today, to not make it easy for a full Obama takeover – to reduce the bastard’s level of comfort when he leans forward to pat another Russian ambassador on the knee and tell him to assure Vladimir Putin that he, Obama, now has more “flexibility” to do God knows what.
We have more weapons to do this than some seem to think. For starters, we have in the past year identified a number of very good men of whom we'd never heard before: Bobby Jindal, Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan -- all, especially Rubio, are leaders. To them I would add Josh Mandel and Allen West -- way too valuable and men of way too much substance to drop out of sight. I'll guarantee that they aren't wasting time sitting around being depressed. Allen West, only barely edged aside in a 50-50% matchup that included “damaged” voting machines that refused to display Republican choices, is demanding a recount. I would expect no less of him.
I'm not smart enough or knowledgeable enough to know exactly what we can do at this moment, but ousting Harry Reid (a possibility) seems like a good start. There is no law that says that Reid, whom many have identified as the single cause of Congress’ failure to pass a budget, must continue to be Senate Majority Leader. Nancy Pelosi also is more than vulnerable, however many waves she tries to make as (now) House Minority Leader. There are responsible men and women in both parties who can be persuaded to correct both situations in the name of compromise and – dare I use the term? “Forward” movement.
Barack Obama may think he's got his revenge, but I've not even started on mine. As a part time college instructor, I'm eyewitness to an education system that is more than biased. American schools are the place that the forces that have us in this pickle began their campaign – probably not long after the Second World War. We need to correct this if we wish to educate the voters who will graduate four years from now so that they know what it genuinely means to be an American. I can't do much by myself, but I can tell you that I’ve already done and will continue to do SOMETHING. I can refuse and have refused to join the union. I can be sure my students not only understand where today's conservatives really are coming from, I can teach them basic stories of American History (sans revision) that may let them see current events a little differently. I can speak out for conservative thought in all companies whenever possible, and whenever extreme right-wing conservative speakers turn off potential supporters, I can draw on persuasive skills learned in sales and marketing to demonstrate the costs associated with “throwing the baby out with the bathwater.”
People like the woman who called me Wednesday morning in tears, and the many of you who have written e-mails expressing your depression at the outcome of the election, can be commended for recognizing the gravity of what has happened, but if these people persist in wasting their time with despair, they are a very major part of the problem, and they effectively are aiding and abetting the liberal cause.
We have lost the opportunity to right a great wrong with a single broad gesture. But we have not lost everything. We have a thousand small battles yet to fight and win with an intent to weaken our opponents so that, in 2014, we can retake the Senate, hold onto the House, emasculate the presidency (if you wish to take that literally and personalize it, this becomes a somewhat redundant effort), and begin to restore the country even in advance of the 2016 election.
Recognizable history no longer is taught in America’s schools. America’s great heritage of sheer, unadulterated heroism is downplayed, because it is politically incorrect to tell about it, especially whilst waving the flag. Therefore, in closing let me remind you of John Paul Jones and the Bonhomme Richard. For the politically correct among you, let me say (before you do) that Jones was not the purest of souls – the “Jones” is an alias added when a man then yclept “John Paul” got himself in trouble with Scottish law.
During the American Revolution at the battle of Flambeau Head, Jones was in command of the Bonhomme Richard, a 42-gun converted East Indiaman (cargo vessel). Surrounded by the British fleet and fired upon by multiple other ships and engaged directly by the larger Serapis, outnumbered and outgunned, he replied to the almost routine British demand that he strike his flag with a defiant, “I have not yet begun to fight,” and proceeded to prove the truth of his words. With his ship literally sinking under him, Jones rammed the enemy and used grappling hooks to tie the Bonhomme Richard to the conveniently still-seaworthy Serapis, and the fight continued hand-to-hand – for about another hour. Eventually, withering fire from Marines posted in Bonhomme Richard’s tops saw to it that the life expectancy of any British officer who ventured on the Serapis quarterdeck was measured in nanoseconds. Unable to command anyone else to do so, whether because there was no-one else, or because those so ordered refused in the rain of sniper fire, it was Pearson, the British captain, who struck the English flag with his own hands, surrendering to the American upstart he thought he had beaten.
IF WE DO NOT DAWDLE, we are in a helluva lot better shape today than were the sailors on the Bonhomme Richard. There is no need to go beyond the formal re-election of a president to give in to a force that is weakened by its assumption that it has the upper hand. If we don’t sit back Monday-morning quarterbacking, wallowing in our despair, we can help liberals discover that they are every bit as mistaken as was Captain Pearson back in 1779.
An Idea for Presidential Victory
Adapted from an Essay by Frank Farrell, Submitted with permission by Gen.
Earl O’Loughlin, Ret.
It’s going to be an ugly campaign.
We all know it and we’re ready for it, but it’s going to be the nastiest and
dirtiest campaign in history. If Romney takes this advice, it will send a clear
message to the Republican establishment that conservatives aren’t going to do
business as usual any more. It would shake the establishment and pull together
conservative voters.
Vet the possible VP nominees now and stand ready to announce the running mate in a nationally televised press conference the day after the 1,144 delegates are in hand. Make the VP choice Allen West, a triple threat and a VP who will redefine the role. As the VP he would attend to the regular duties and be a heartbeat away from the presidency, would also act as a second Secretary of State in difficult diplomatic negotiations, and work in concert with the Secretary of Defense to realign our military and redefine its role.
Romney would then introduce his Secretary of State Nominee, John Bolton. As a former Ambassador to the United Nations, there is nobody with a better handle on the world’s issues or more familiar with the players. He is tough, straight forward and not likely to appease anyone.
Next to walk onto the stage, Sarah Palin, Nominee for Secretary of Energy. Her directive will be to set us on a path toward energy independence in 10 years. She is the best choice, invested in the goal, knowledgeable and adept.
Next out of the wings and onto the stage, the Nominee for Secretary of Defense, General David Petraeus. As great as he was fighting a PC war, imagine what he’ll be like once he and West have pressed the reset button on our rules of engagement. In Petraeus we will have a Secretary of Defense whose mission is to win. Period.
Next up, the Nominee for Attorney General, Pam Bondi. She is a no nonsense fighter who has taken on the current administration over Obamacare and will clean out the corruption rampant in that office today.
How about a Secretary of the Treasury? Someone who has worked for years in the tax field who understands the overwhelming burden of tax codes and who has, for years, fought to restructure those codes, Michelle Bachman.
We will need someone with new ideas to head up the Fed. Welcome Ron Paul. This, under Paul, will be a temporary position; but somehow, I doubt Ron Paul wants to make a career of running the Fed.
Secretary of the Interior? Governor Bobby Jindal, come on down!
And finally, to head up the Department of Homeland Security, someone who understands the issues we face, who has worked in federal law enforcement and won’t take crap from anyone, Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
Feel free to substitute names, add your own choices, but these are mine. The picks are only a part of the whole picture, however. The impact is as important as the names.
Never before has a presidential nominee entered the full on campaign with a fully assembled team. Each choice could be measured against the present office holder. There would be no way out for Obama as each and every key player on his team would be exposed and held to account from the word “go.” It would be a full on frontal assault and Obama would have no place to hide. He would either have to stand behind his choices or try to run from his record.
It’s a bold, brash and completely against establishment business-as-usual strategy. It’s earth shaking. As voters, we would be voting for the whole team rather than just the standard Presidential 2-person ticket.
Politicians Should
Put Their Money Where They Put Ours
By Maureen Rudel
I suggested to Sen. John Moolenaar
and Reps. Bruce Rendon and Pete Pettalia that they introduce a bill that would
require all legislators to invest a minimum of $1000 (more would be better) in
any company or program on which they are willing to spend my money. It's
always easy to spend someone else's money -- the problem occurs when you have to
spend your own.
Even with Republicans in the majority, it is hard to break the spending habits of legislatures, state or federal.
Although the tourist industry is unwilling to put any of its own money into the "Pure Michigan" campaign, the politicians put ours into it. What other industry am I required to subsidize? The movie industry. I haven't gone to a movie theater in so long I can't remember the last one I saw -- maybe "Raiders of the Lost Ark." However, because of the generosity of our legislators I am forced to support movies in which I have no interest and on which I would never voluntarily spend a dollar of my own money.
Now, we don't stop there. We pay for windmills and solar panels and batteries and electric cars that will not make it in the market place. The wonderful Volt electric car apparently runs out of battery power at about 25 miles (rather than the advertised 40 miles) and then takes about 12 hours to recharge. No wonder no one wants to buy one even at the highly subsidized price of $40,000. Apparently, even though P. T. Barnum's observation “There's a sucker born every minute,” is probably true, not enough of them are stupid enough to pay that much for a car that basically runs on gas, and not very well. The "green energy" companies file for bankruptcy after they have spent all their taxpayer money because no one else is foolish enough to invest a pile of money in companies that have no viable plan for success.
The government should get out of the business of trying to pick winners and losers and financing schemes that the all-knowing politicians think are a great idea -- like the bridge to Canada. There is NO reason to spend one dollar of taxpayer money on a bridge a private investor is willing to build.
Since I have no confidence that the politicians are willing to stop wasting our money and will not introduce a bill which would make them put their own money on the line, maybe the taxpayers should start a voter initiative to accomplish this. I would love to be able to force our legislators to spend their money as easily as they force me. However, there are some problems with my proposed solution. The legislators would be forced into a conflict of interest position; they would make money if the companies they favored succeeded. This might encourage them to make certain the favored companies succeed by punishing their competitors. This is already being done at the federal level -- think coal, oil and natural gas.
Maybe the better solution is to make legislators escrow $1000 in an interest-bearing account for every million dollars they give away of our money. At the end of every session, every two years, independent auditors will determine if the expenditure was productive or not, did it produce the number of jobs predicted or succeed in its goal. If the program is successful, the lawmakers get their money back with interest. If not, they forfeit it to the State of Michigan so the State will need less of mine for the next hare-brained scheme they decide to fund. If the success or failure of the project or program can't be determined in two years, the money remains in escrow for another two years and the next evaluation.
Why Giving to Large Charitable
Organizations is Problematic
By Maureen Rudel
The recent dustup with the Susan
G. Koman Foundation for the Cure and Planned Parenthood proves my long-held
belief that giving to large national charities is a bad idea. You never
know how the money is spent. Many of these charities seem to exist to pay
large salaries to the people who run them. Others have hidden agendas.
The founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger was a believer in eugenics and decided to promote the elimination of black babies to improve the gene pool. The United Fund decided to go after the Boy Scouts because they don't want homosexuals as leaders. The Girl Scouts are promoting acceptance of homosexual behavior and supporting Planned Parenthood. The Humane Society of the United States advertises about abused pets and animals and spends virtually no money on sheltering animals and a lot on an anti-hunting agenda. Whether or not you agree with these positions is immaterial. You should know what you are supporting.
About the only large charitable organization which really does good work at very low overhead is the Salvation Army which spends almost all of its money on its missions.
I suggest that before you donate to any cause, you carefully check out what they really do. Small local charities are usually well-managed and can be easily tracked. While spaghetti dinners are not usually deductible, the proceeds go directly to help someone you know. The Iosco County Humane Society is not associated with the national organization and is run by volunteers. There are many opportunities for giving locally, for example, churches, scholarship foundations, the hospital, etc. and it is relatively easy to see the results of their work. A little time spent before you give will definitely pay off in the long run.
Beware of Giving
Your E-Mail Address
By Maureen Rudel
I have noticed that I have begun
receiving all sorts of e-mail solicitations for products and services that I did
not request. By noticing the address which is used, it is clear to me that
the Michigan Republican State Party is selling my e-mail address, and presumably
that of others who have given their address to the Party.
I checked their website and see that they have no stated Privacy Policy. You will notice that when I send out e-mails, I send them out as blind copies. That allows you to control the people to whom you give your address. I do not give out the e-mail list to anyone, any candidate, or any other site. When I receive a request to distribute information, I send out one e-mail to everyone and allow you to sign up if you choose to receive additional information from the candidate, politician or committee. I strongly suggest that before you sign up for information, you check to see what their Privacy Policy is. If there is none, assume that your address will be sold to raise money.
Candidates who are supported by our party for general election or who wish to run in a primary for an office are welcome (assuming they are active dues-paying members) to submit their information to me to distribute to our e-mail list. If you have any further questions on this subject, don't hesitate to contact me at 362-4747 or
How the Government Can't Do Anything Right
By Maureen Rudel
For sure, the
government fails at things which are not inherently governmental in nature.
No matter what the intentions of the sponsors, the results are almost always a
In the reign of Franklin D. Roosevelt, the "Progressives" (read Liberals, Socialists, etc.) managed to turn a standard recession into a world-wide Depression which did not end until World War II. Using the same set of flawed theories, the Obama administration is trying to do the same thing in our present downturn.
Before there was Welfare, people who came upon hard times would rely on their families, friends, neighbors, churches and local organizations to provide "charity" to them until they got back on their feet. Most people did not want to accept charity, only taking it when they had to because of the "shame" involved. They did their best to recover from whatever problem they had so they could again be self-reliant. I remember those days from my childhood. Now, people demand Welfare and want to stay on it as long as they can. They believe they have a right to force their neighbors to support them in a lifestyle they cannot afford simply because they exist.
Before there was Social Security, people believed they had to save and invest to provide for their own old age. Often older parents lived with their children to help make ends meet. The "Ponzi" scheme that was started in the 1930s is actually worse than the fraud perpetrated by Charles Ponzi because you have no choice -- you must put your money in. Now, the old Aesop fable of the "Grasshopper and the Ant" is upside down. What we do now is take from the Ant who was foolish enough to try to put away enough to take care of himself and give to the Grasshopper who spent every nickel and went into debt to enjoy pleasures he couldn't afford.
Health insurance as an employment benefit was started during World War II because of wage and price controls imposed by the government. In order to get the best employees when the employers could not pay them more meant finding other ways to reward good employees. Once the person getting the good or service doesn't have to pay for it, there is no reason not to demand the best.
Before there was Medicare, health care was affordable enough that many people didn't even carry insurance because they could pay the bills directly to the doctor. I even remember the doctor coming to the house with his black bag and treating us there. Once the government got involved, fees were set, the incentive on the part of the doctors and the patients was to get more care than necessary because the patient didn't pay and the doctor made more by doing more.
In the Depression, the federal government imposed minimum wages. Unemployment got worse. When inflation overtook the minimum wage, it finally stopped adversely affecting employment. When I got my first job not working for my father, in 1962, working for Ewing's Chicken House in Oscoda, I was thrilled. I didn't have any skills, was a high school graduate and couldn't get a job. All of my education was college preparatory. I ended up making about 12 cents an hour working 58 hours a week. I came back the next summer and worked there again. It was the best job I ever had because I learned I could support myself. Now, someone like me can't get a job because the skills he has doesn't merit the wage which must be paid.
When governments try to pick winners and losers in the market place, you can predict that any company that asks for government grants will not succeed. If the company produces a product which appeals to a real market and has a solid business plan, there will be real investors willing to invest. If there is no market or good plan, it will fail.
I could go on and on (and have on many occasions) but I'll let you finish my lecture. Think of anything the government does. If it is not inherently a government function, such as policing, fire fighting, etc., the government never does it as well as the private sector which has to please customers to get patronage.
Why Solar Power Will Never Be a Major
Factor in Energy Production
By Maureen Rudel
Lately, I have been seeing ads on
television for a solar generator that is supposed to provide you with power
during outages. The generator looks like it is about as big as a toaster and
comes with a solar panel. It sounds too good to be true, so I decided to check
into it in greater detail.
According to the solar generator website, it can generate "up to" 1800 watts, comes with a 90 watt solar panel and 50' of cable to attach it to the generator. The panel has to be outside because it cannot generate energy from sunlight through a window. In Northern Illinois (where the generators are made), in full sun during the winter, it takes about 3 to 5 hours to fully charge the system. Two hour recharge times in full sun have been reported in the Southwest.
The TV ad states the generator is supposed to help you if you lose your electricity during a storm. If you just use the battery power and unplug the Solar Panel, the website gives some typical run times for some appliances -- it warns that high power consuming appliances are best to avoid (such as heat pumps, electric water heaters, ranges, etc.). You can run a 40 watt table lamp for 10.5 hours, a 13" TV for 11 hours, a sump pump for 1 hour and a microwave for 12 minutes. Combinations are also shown. A cordless phone, 13" TV, clock radio and table lamp can run for up to 4 hours. An 18 cubic foot refrigerator and home alarm system can run for up to 2.6 hours and a desktop computer, 17" LCD monitor, inkjet printer, internet modem and cordless phone can run for up to 1.6 hours.
After that, you have to recharge the battery with the solar panel. Typically, you might have some difficulty finding full sun during a storm, and if it is a snow storm, presumably you would have to keep the solar panel cleared of snow. This package is about $2200 at retail, but is on sale for about $1700 plus $120 shipping in the continental US.
You can get a 1600 watt portable gasoline generator for about $450 that holds .8 gallon of gas and runs on .32 gallons/hour (about $1.04/hr using $3.25/gal. gasoline). A similar 7000 watt generator holds 9 gallons, runs on 1.5 gal/hr. (about $4.88/hr.) and costs about $1200. Presumably you can refill them immediately and continue running your appliances regardless of the weather. They do have to run outside and a cord has to come inside so you can plug your appliances in.
An 8000 watt (8 kW) home standby generator (not portable) which runs on propane or natural gas costs about $2250 , plus installation, while a similar 10000 watt (10kW) model costs about $2850. At full load capacity, the 8 kW unit uses 139 cu. ft of natural gas per hour (about $1.25/hr. at today’s natural gas price) or 62 cu. ft of propane ($4.10/hr. at today’s propane price). Similar figures for the 10 kW are 156 cu. Ft. (about $1.42/hr.) and 70 cu. ft. (about $4.63/hr.) respectively. These models will supply most 2 or 3 bedrooms homes with sufficient electricity to run most of the appliances in a home (including your furnace), except the very high usage items. These generators can be wired right into your electrical box and start automatically about 20 seconds after the power goes off.
There is nothing wrong with using solar power or wind power, but to think that they supply a reliable source of power at the same or lower cost than fossil fuels is to hope for something that never was and probably will never be. Without subsidies from taxpayers, these energy sources would not succeed in the market place. We don't have the money to keep subsidizing politicians’ unrealistic dreams and we should not continue do so.
Another Chance
By Maureen Rudel
This election was NOT necessarily an endorsement
of the Republican Party. It was, rather, a rejection of the "Liberal" or
"Progressive" policies of the Democrats in power in Washington DC and Lansing.
What they have been doing is not working. The federal government cannot
even run the post office successfully -- by the way, a Constitutional activity
-- so it is no surprise that it cannot run businesses, produce jobs, or stop a
recession. What it can do is take money from people who are not supportive
of the party in power and give it to the people who are supportive. Both
parties do it.
Every dollar the government spends must come out of the private sector. The more governments take, the less there is to start businesses and hire people. No business pays taxes. This is a ruse to keep people from realizing how much they are paying -- just as is the idea that your employer is paying half of your social security and Medicare taxes. It costs an employer a certain amount for every employee; wages, unemployment taxes, FICA taxes, workers compensation insurance, benefits, overhead and other costs to keep the employee working. Raising any of these costs makes it more difficult to hire someone and still make money. If the business can't make money it will go out of business (unless it is "bailed out" by the government with taxpayer dollars.
The correct tax on business is zero. If the governments tax businesses, the tax is paid by the shareholders (through lower returns), employees (through lower wages) or customers (through higher prices). Only people pay taxes. Businesses are not people. They are a legal idea that can be set up in a number of ways. If politicians would stop lying to their constituents and always promising great benefits at someone else's expense, reality would start to set in. You can "tax the rich" until they decide not to work so hard so someone else can live well off their efforts.
Welfare should not be a way of life for able-bodied people who are capable of doing something to earn a living. The correct minimum wage is zero. If you want to work for 10 cents an hour and someone will pay you to do it, you should be allowed to do so. This puts the employee on the ladder to success. They get a job, get some skills and get a better job. If no one will pay you to sit home and do nothing, you'll take a job so you can eat.
Every law or regulation is a limitation on freedom. Some politician has decided he knows what's better for you than you do. They don't want you to smoke, hurt yourself, eat the wrong foods, ride motorcycles without helmets (News flash -- the motorcycle always loses to the car or truck -- helmet or no), sit in a car without a seat belt or do anything the nannies think is not a good idea. If legislatures feel the need to pass a new law, they should be required to get rid of 3 existing laws. Stop trying to legislate against stupidity. It never works.
If the bureaucrats decide that you should not be able to use your land because it "is a valuable wetland and we need to protect it for the public good" they should be required to pay for it. Any time you lose the use of your property involuntarily by the action of a government, you are entitled under the Constitution of the United States to be paid for it. If governments had to pay for their actions they might start considering exactly how much their regulations cost.
A perfect example of federal excess was featured in an October 27, 2010 article in The Morning Sun, telling how Alma city officials want to partner with Alma College to create an "Alma Absurdity Award" with the first recipient being the Federal Highway Administration. It has adopted a rule that requires every sign in the US, street signs, speed limit signs, all traffic control signs to have all words begin with upper case letters and the rest lower case plus new reflective standards. Someone did a study that said senior citizens have difficulty reading words that are all capital letters. Alma estimates the cost to be $300 to $400 per intersection. When communities are trying to figure out how to pay for law enforcement, unfunded mandates, like this sign requirement, from the feds cost millions. And exactly where in the Constitution does the federal government get control over street signs all over the country? The new Congress should put a stop to this now.
Our elected Republicans are supposed to stand for small government, freedom, personal responsibility and opportunity to pursue your American dream. Let's hope they start doing it, or the American electorate will probably fire them in two years, just as they fired the Democrats.
The Most Important Election of my Lifetime
By Maureen Rudel
It has been said
from time to time that an election is "the most important" but, in my opinion,
that statement is true for this November as it has never been before in my
I received a letter from a friend who has voted Republican for years. He says: "I believe that our country is in serious trouble. We are headed for bankruptcy at an alarming rate. I am becoming more and more skeptical of both parties and wonder if either of them will be able to pull us back from the brink. . . . I am no longer going to give my vote to a person unless I am convinced that they have the country's best interest at heart. We must stop spending. We must bring back fiscal responsibility. . . . I'm not casting an automatic Republican vote any longer. I want to see the credentials and the past records of every person. If we don't stop the current movement, I fear the United States will crumble from the inside out and it will happen sooner than anyone imagines."
I could not agree more. We have candidates running for office at the federal, state and local level. Each level of government wants more money every year. In Iosco we have an unemployment rate that is probably more than 25% if you add in the people who have stopped looking for a job and who are underemployed. Those people who get unemployment insurance get it from premiums paid by employers, run through the state and federal bureaucracy and handed out by politicians who want you to know how great they are. Meanwhile, the taxpayers and companies don't have money to invest in businesses and provide more jobs. The more requirements governments impose on people and business the more it costs. No wonder that companies who can escape are running to countries without welfare states.
When I was growing up, doctors used to come to your houses and treat you. You paid in cash. You did not expect your neighbor to provide you with food, housing, medical care and your needs and wants. You were expected to work for a living. If you had a bad patch, the priest at my church used to ask for help for families. It was charity. No one wanted to have to take it. But they did if they had to, and got on their feet as quickly as possible. No one was "entitled" to a living. You were expected to provide for your retirement. The Grasshopper and the Ant by Aesop was a story that every child knew and believed. Now, the ant is a fool. Grasshoppers will simply take the ant's savings and live it up on them. Almost half of the people vote for a living and live off the other half who work.
If governments simply did only those tasks which cannot be well done by the private sector (like police and fire protection), the costs of government at all levels would collapse. It is not the government's job to take care of your children, provide you with food and medical care, put you in wonderful housing and provide you with an income so you can buy your televisions, microwaves, cars, entertainment, clothing and wonderful life. I have no objection to charities providing help for what we used to call "the deserving poor" but when the government steals money from one person at the point of a gun to give it to someone who did not work for it, it is theft.
When governments at all levels decide it is their job to make sure you make all the "right" choices with your life, they are not performing a government function. They are acting like dictators. I will not support any politician who feels so far superior to me that they want to tell me to wear a seat belt, wear a motorcycle helmet, or whether I can smoke some place or not. These are nannies, they are not serious politicians. They should be replaced, not encouraged.
It will take a long time to reverse the damage that has been done to this country by both parties, but if you go back to the Constitution of the United States and the State of Michigan, and provide only those functions, we can start to return to the country we had until the 20th century, a place of freedom, individual rights, and responsibility.
Why the Global Warming Hoax
By Maureen Rudel
Except for those who get their information only from the "mainstream media," almost everyone has now heard of the e-mails exchanged between the director of the Climate Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia, Phil Jones, and other "climate scientists" at other universities, including the University of Pennsylvania's Michael Mann. These e-mails clearly showed they destroyed data, faked results, knew the cooling temperatures since 1998 showed their models weren't working and couldn't explain the failure of their hypothesis that carbon dioxide emitted by people-caused global warming.
They still claim that the theory has merit even though their "science" is questionable and the earth has actually been cooling. This reminds me of Dan Rather who still believes his George W. Bush-National Guard story is true even though his evidence was faked.
Global Warming has become almost a religious belief with the proponents. They apparently hate the Western way of life. They despise us for succeeding when so many other countries have failed to provide their residents with even a modest quality of life. They hate capitalism because it produces winners and losers. These people believe that everyone should be equally miserable rather than rewarding hard work and effort. They receive grants to promote their ideas.
Companies that would not be commercially successful in selling their products without government subsidies (wind energy, other "green" energy companies) support the theory because without it, their businesses would fail. People like Al Gore who plan to or have gotten rich in trading "carbon credits" also support it because without the theory and government mandate, no one would buy the emperor's new clothes.
Because the US Senate has stalled the "Cap-and-Trade" bill, more accurately known as the "Cap-and-Tax" bill, which Barack Hussein Obama guarantees will necessarily make your energy bills skyrocket, the Environmental Protection Agency, plans to adopt a regulation which will accomplish the same thing without the inconvenience of a congressional vote.
The Congress can stop this. They have the ability to prohibit regulation of carbon dioxide. If they don't, they must be removed. We do not need to be taxed into the stone age to provide this gift to the environmental gods.
A Small Strike
Against the "Nanny State"
By Maureen Rudel
In an amazing move, the County of
Ogemaw voted down another chance to restrict our freedom by failing to adopt the
smoking restrictions that the bureaucrats of the Health Department wanted to
impose. Unfortunately, the Iosco County Commissioners passed up that
Legislators at all levels, and of both parties, seem to think they can better decide how you should live your life than you can. You are too stupid to make the "right" choices, so they will choose for you. Bureaucrats at all levels want to increase their power and reach to secure their jobs. This is why the number of government employees continues to rise. You pay to give them jobs where they have more security, get paid more, and have better benefits than the private sector can afford. What's not to like?
It is supposed to be the job of legislators to protect you from government intrusions into your freedom, but, generally speaking, they want to intrude more. This is how we have gone so far down the road to Socialism and the Welfare State.
While this little victory is over smoking, it could have been anything else. I have been a smoker, I am not smoking now, but if I want to, I could start again. I have done so in the past. I quit, I start, it's my business, not the government's. If I own a business that caters to the public, I can decide whether or not I wish to allow smoking. People who don't like smoking will not patronize my business if I allow it, people who like to smoke will. I get to decide whether I will benefit more by allowing it or not. Stop worrying about these poor people who have to work someplace where smoking is allowed. If they don't like it, don't work there. I don't happen to like liver. It is not in my power to keep others from eating it, except at my house. That is the way it should be.
If we don't make a stand, pretty soon, the mattress police will be tasked to go into private homes and commercial establishments and arrest anyone who had the nerve to remove the tags on mattresses and cushions that say "Do not remove under penalty of law."
The cost of government goes up and up because of these stupid laws which are put on the books every day at every level of government. It is time to stop it. There should be a requirement that for every new law legislators pass they must repeal 5 old ones. When you can't afford to patrol the streets and roads in this county why would you want to make the law enforcement officers go around looking to see who is smoking where? Just because you can? A law that is not enforced or enforceable is a joke. If you don't enforce it all the time, you cannot enforce it at any time. Stop putting up with this.
It is time to take back our lives. No politician of either party who votes to unnecessarily restrict your freedom should be re-elected. No law should be passed just because someone thinks its a good idea. It is one thing to restrict murder, theft, or intrusion of your rights by another, it is another to pass a law to save you from yourself. Darwin's Law will take care of it. Seat belt laws, helmet laws, and the like should be repealed. Pretty soon, the people who remain will make the right choices. These things have a way of taking care of themselves.
Next year's elections are coming up rapidly. As you look at the candidates for all levels of government, decide for yourself if they will promote freedom or restrict it. This is America, freedom is supposed to be our birthright. Have these politicians done such a great job of running their own lives that you will let them run yours?
Our Bloated Federal Government
By George Sevald, Oscoda
Our bloated Federal bureaucracy is an abomination! There are no
incentives to economize, at any level. There is no bottom line to adhere
On the contrary, a positive balance sheet is deemed to be a negative by the
department head, and will be corrected, lest they have their budget cut.
Spend it, or lose it!
This complex bureaucratic maze is rife with redundancy, inefficiency, incompetence, indifference, and unaccountability; and none of these shortcomings threaten anyone's job. That's not part of the system. Performance is not even a consideration. Excellence is likely accidental and often frowned on by lackadaisical co-workers. Mediocrity seems too lofty a goal. A system with so many liabilities cannot prosper, yet there is a select group that does quite well for themselves, and doesn't want to change a thing!
Our Congress is made up of intelligent people. They could streamline and reduce the size of government, and eliminate waste, if that was their goal. Unfortunately it is not! They continue to enlarge government and vote themselves pay raises. On the surface they are patriotic public servants. Underneath, they are motivated by wealth and power, and little else!
Far too many are corrupt, and their votes "For Sale" to the highest bidder! If these bad apples were the exception, they would be exposed by the rest, but instead they all look the other way, lest the spotlight fall on them! "Live and Let Live," is the mantra.
The top six wealthiest U.S. Senators have a collective worth of 960 million dollars, not counting their homes, and all six are Democrats. That's the party that believes in redistributing the wealth. Apparently, that would be OUR wealth, not theirs! The entire Senate has an average personal worth of more than 15 million dollars, and the collective wealth of all 535 members of Congress is 3.7 Billion dollars! (
Only one percent of all Americans are millionaires, while 62% of the Senate and 44% of the House are millionaires! How have they managed to accumulate so much more wealth, than the people that they allege to serve? In their unique role as law makers and trustees of the public funds, the opportunities for bribery and kickbacks are many.
If this assessment sounds overly cynical, is there a more logical explanation for the country with the greatest wealth of natural resources in the world, to be over 11 trillion dollars in debt?
The honest, trusting, voters, who are only asking for a decent place to
raise their family, are easy prey for these crafty predators in Washington!
We need to clean house!
A Pox on All Their
By Maureen Rudel
It is probably time to vote against
every Democrat and RINO in Washington and Michigan.
We might lose a few representatives
and senators that are worth saving, but not many. I am so sick of these
windbags voting for bills they haven't read, and couldn't have read because they
weren't printed, and ignoring the Constitution.
Bart Stupak from the 1st District voted for the Cap-and-Trade Bill which will impose unbelievable taxes on every person and business in the country for the alleged benefit of controlling carbon dioxide emissions and lowering the temperature of the earth in 100 years of .5 degrees Centigrade. (That is the benefit the supporters of man-made global warming promise.) Cap-and-Trade is designed to send us back to the stone age because we live too well. By the time all businesses that have a choice have left "Amerika" and established themselves in some country that doesn't punish success, most of the people left here will be dependent on the government. This has been a successful campaign in Michigan. We have the highest unemployment rate in the country, the most people and businesses closing and/or leaving the state and the stupidest policies that are theoretically designed to benefit the Democrats' favored groups.
Unions get rewards -- Obama wants to push this "Card Check" bill to make it easier to force unwilling employees into unions by denying them a secret vote. That's great. However, nothing can force a company to stay in business or to hire anyone. Without an employer, no employee can join a union. Tax business -- that's a joke -- businesses do not pay taxes, people do. Either the employees, the shareholders or the customers of a business have to pay the tax which the business collects and sends onto the "Gubmint."
Democrats have a plan for rich people, tax them. You can take every cent they make, once. They won't let it happen twice. As Lady Margaret Thatcher noted: "The trouble with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." The trouble with rich people is that they have the ability to go anywhere. Switzerland is benefiting greatly from immigration of people and businesses.
Cut the number of State Police and close prisons. Finance art museums, build new building that the State Police don't need or want. Increase the salaries of state employees and give them benefits that so far outdo the private sector that there is no comparison. In other words, if it is a legitimate function of government, starve it. If it is something that is really not a function of government, send more money that way.
The federal government already controls your toilet, your shower, your washing machine, your light bulbs (and wants to do more there), your use of seat belts, motorcycle helmets, baby seats, what you smoke, where you smoke, and soon, what you eat and drink. If some government entity wants your property so it can be sold to someone else who will pay more taxes, go for it. You haven't begun to lose your freedom; what can be done to you and your health care and insurance is yet to be unveiled. The Congressional Budget Office has priced one of the plans being considered by the Democrats at $1.04 trillion by 2019 for 37 million of the alleged uninsured. (It doesn't say whether that includes the 13 million illegal aliens.) Massachusetts is backing off its "universal coverage because it is bankrupting the State. Don't worry, the Democrats will push it through. No one needs to read it before they vote for it. Neither Nancy Pelosi nor Harry Reid will commit to giving the public a week to read the bill before they push it through.
It is time for another revolution. Compared to the sacrifices of the Americans who established this country as the last best hope for mankind, what is required of us is nothing. Let's throw the bums out before they totally destroy our Constitution and the country we love.
The Benefit of Having No Children
By Maureen Rudel
I am getting older,
thank goodness, have no children and would leave only my husband and dog behind
if I got run over by a truck tomorrow. I feel great sympathy for you who
have productive children and grand children who will have to pay the price for
the terrible policies which have been imposed on our state and the federal
government. I have come to the conclusion that there is probably no
salvation for Michigan and that probably the United States is on the way to
becoming the United Socialist States of Amerika.
Too many people think that the world owes them a living. When I was young, I was taught that if I wanted something, I would have to earn enough to buy it. I was not "entitled" to anything. What my parents were kind enough to provide was dependent upon my following their rules. If I didn't like it, I could leave and do whatever I could afford. Now, I know a number of young people who can't seem to find a job they think suits them. Since they can get food stamps and Medicaid, and if they are female and can have a baby, they can live in a house provided by taxpayers, don't have to work (because Michigan has not set real limits on receipt of Welfare benefits) and can make more babies to be supported by the fools who do work and pay taxes.
If you are foolish enough to try to work hard, succeed, pay your bills, save for your retirement and take care of yourself, you are punished. The people who don't work, live off of the taxpayers and save nothing say that it is not fair that you were so lucky. (Funny, I always found that the harder I worked, the luckier I got.) We have to tax the rich and redistribute their income to the "entitled" people -- those who are entitled to your property. And, after you have paid taxes on your income all your life, put your money in safe investments, the Wise People in Washington ignore the law on a whim, sell out the secured investors for politically favored groups and the federal government so that the auto industries (along with others) can be nationalized and run by unelected "Czars" who answer to no one but the president. And, if by some chance the redistributors have not succeeded in taking all of your money by the time you die, they apply the death tax on the remaining funds and pick the bones.
The "Apologizer in Chief" goes around the world explaining what rotten people the Americans are -- even as the world remembered D-Day and the invasion of Normandy and the American dead who lie in cemeteries all over Europe after fighting for the freedom of people who needed our help. But, no, those Americans owe apologies to countries who are actively involved in spreading and teaching radical Islam and supporting those who seek "Death to America."
And to add insult to injury, he called America a Muslim nation. Fortunately, our forefathers guaranteed freedom of religion to all Americans. You can find that guarantee in the outdated document called the Constitution. You can believe anything or nothing. Every woman in America is lucky this is not a "Muslim Nation." No woman has to cover herself head to toe, give up freedom to become educated, choose the future she wants, associate with whom she wants, drive a car, or suffer gang rape to atone for some offense of a male relative. That life might appeal to some, but darn few of them would be American women.
If the American population doesn't wake up soon and realize that our country is on the way to being the Socialist paradise that Cuba, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, and other totalitarian states are, we will soon be treated to the same level of prosperity they enjoy. North Korea is a celebrated vacation spot. We can achieve that level of success if we keep on going the way we are now. Or, we can wake up and try to save our country.
How Stupid Are We?
By Maureen Rudel
Every Christmas I am amazed to
listen to the ads where companies sell you a star, let you name it, and send you
a lovely certificate showing that it is registered with the Library of Congress.
Apparently people do buy them. Of course, the Library of Congress is the
registry for copyright works and must keep anything you send it to copyright.
It doesn't mean that the work is correct, that it is real or that what it says
is true. It is as effective as if I gave you a quit claim deed to the
White House. I have transferred you all of the interest I have in the
White House. If I have nothing, you get nothing and I don't warrant that I
have any interest.
"Cap-and-trade" is just such a scam. First, you pretend that carbon dioxide, which every person exhales, and every plant requires, is a pollutant. Next you pretend that people can affect the amount of carbon in the atmosphere significantly. Then you pretend that if you lower the amount of carbon dioxide you put in the atmosphere, it will make a significant difference to "global warming," or "climate change," or "climate chaos," or whatever the latest terminology is. Then, you have the government allot or sell "carbon credits" (stars) to different companies or people or animals or whatever, with giving more credits to the entities you like best. Then Al Gore sets up companies to buy and sell credits that allow you to breathe or do business. (According to an Investor's Business Daily article from April 29, 2009, when Gore left office in January 2001, he was said to have a net worth in the neighborhood of $2 million. A mere eight years later, estimates are that he is now worth about $100 million.) He gets rich, you get poor and no good is done except that the cost of energy goes sky high, America's economy is destroyed, China and India (who are far too smart to go along with a scam like this) laugh all the way to the bank.
Australia has caught on. They are balking on buying their share of the stars. They figure they can name them without paying anyone else. They can send their own letter to the Library of Congress. I've always admired the Aussies -- they are tough fighters and nobody's fools. They have made some foolish moves (national health care and gun-grabbing) but are apparently deciding not to shoot themselves in the head on an increasingly discredited global warming scare.
I certainly hope we have enough sense to follow suit, but I'm not sure. When increasingly our legislators are willing to criminalize thoughts (hate crimes) and punish political differences (fairness doctrine) and dictate how we should lead our lives, I may soon be charged with sedition because of my opposition to the destruction of freedom in this country. But since I am only an individual and not a member of some favored group, it's probably time to get rid of me anyway.
Individual Freedom
and Responsibility
By Maureen Rudel
The Constitution of the
United States sets out the limits of the Federal Government in Article I:
Section 8 - Powers of Congress
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
To borrow money on the credit of the United States;
To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;
To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;
To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;
To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;
To establish Post Offices and Post Roads;
To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;
To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;
To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offenses against the Law of Nations;
To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;
To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;
To provide and maintain a Navy;
To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;
To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;
To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;
To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings; And
To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.
It doesn't talk about education, Social Security, Health Care, Redistribution of Wealth, Arts and Music, or the thousands of other things that the present-day federal government spends our money on and, in almost all cases, does badly.
The government can spend, but not manage money. It cannot even account for it. Every law limits the freedom of individuals and many of them remove responsibility from individuals to make their own decisions.
Until the Great Depression, the federal government pretty much stayed within the bounds of the Constitution. Admittedly, there were changes, such as the adoption of an income tax under Woodrow Wilson, but these changes were ratified as Constitutional Amendments, whether they were wise or not.
However, most of the programs that Congress has started during Franklin D. Roosevelt's reign and since have arguably been justified under "the Commerce Clause," "To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes; . . ." Apparently, the meaning of this clause can be stretched as far as the eye can see. While Democrats may have started the job, there have been many Republicans who have been complicit in this task. Promising to give someone something for nothing is an easy way to get them to vote for you. This is particularly true if the true cost of the travesty will come in the distant future when some other Representative or Senator will have to deal with it.
With the highly graduated tax schedules, the bottom 50% of the population pays only 3% of the federal income tax burden. This does not lead to responsible budgeting since this group can demand services that will be paid for by others. This feeds the demand for federal expenditures.
The feeding frenzy has been perfectly illustrated by the present "Bailout Bonanza" which is going on now. Goldman-Sachs grad, Sec. of Treasury Henry Paulson, several weeks ago cried wolf for $700 billion to buy toxic assets from the companies who were dumb enough to hold them. It had to happen NOW. When the Republicans in the House of Representatives wouldn't pass this on the first try, the sky was going to fall, and the financial markets were going to go to hell. So, add another $150 billion and a few days later the same piece of garbage only more so, passed, and the financial markets went to hell. Then, on November 12, Paulson said his original plan wasn't going to work but he had a better idea. . . .
Right now, the federal government has $54 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities, and that was before the present foolishness. It isn't going to get better until the US goes bankrupt or until our representatives start to live by the Constitution.
There is nothing in the Constitution that makes the federal government "Nanny in Chief." There is nothing that gives Congress the right to make you wear your seatbelt, stop smoking, eat your vegetables, avoid transfats, or any number of other mandates. The State of Michigan is not far behind. What gives the State the right to tell you to wear a helmet if you bike or ride a motorcycle or put your children in car seats. All of these things may or may not be good things. If they are such a good idea, the smart people will do them, the dumb people will win the Darwin awards. That is their choice.
At every level of government, we are being protected from ourselves. It is impossible to legislate against stupidity and no effort should be made to do so. Republicans must not give in to the urge to impose their wills over the general public.
Our brand is damaged, and with good reason. We have lost our way on individual freedom and responsibility and in consequence have become fiscally irresponsible. Rather than cut any program of the State of Michigan, Republicans voted for tax hikes and abetted the Democrats in killing the State economy. Every Republican who lost a seat can thank other Republicans who have been Democrats-lite. The voters went for the real thing. We offered no real alternative.
At every level of government we must regain credibility and avoid becoming The Better Nanny or the Daddy Party. We all had parents. We don't need another set. It's time for Republicans to get a backbone and stand for individual freedom and responsibility.
Do Democrats Hate
By Maureen Rudel
I don't get it.
Sen. Carl Levin opposes a missile defense program. He always has, he
always will. He tried slow-walking the program to death until the
Republicans took over. Pres. Bush abrogated the Anti-Ballistic Missile
Treaty (which said that the USSR and America would not try to defend against
each other's missiles but rely on the principle of Mutually Assured Destruction
(MAD) to provide security. Never mind that the USSR did not exist, and a
whole lot of nutty dictators were powering up their nuclear arsenals, it is not
fair for America to defend itself. Besides, it can't work, he, in essence,
said. The fact that it would never work unless it was developed escaped
his gigantic mentality. Now, we have one. It ain't perfect, but a
whole lot better than none. For this reason alone, he deserves to retire
to his Washington DC area home. His Socialist program on the domestic front is not
helpful either.
He, and the Democrat senators and a few deranged Republicans now want to cripple the US economy to stop global warming. They need not go through the effort. Even the supporters of the crackpot theory that people can significantly affect the weather on a long-term basis concede that the warming has stopped -- at least for the last decade, if not forever. It has not been warming since 1998. If the hot air coming out of Washington DC were to cease, it would help a whole lot more.
Levin agrees with Rep. Bart Stupak, our 1st District representative to Congress. We must not try to increase the US production of oil and natural gas. Instead, they want to pass a law giving Congress the right to sue the OPEC countries for not increasing their production of oil. This is nuts. Why not just let us increase our own? I guess the fact that China will be producing oil 60 miles off the US coast of Florida which Cuba leased to them is like the man behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz. Pay no attention, we cannot go there.
Now, these goofy people want to drastically increase the cost of producing energy of all sorts -- in the name of global warming. They concede that, at a minimum, the price of gasoline would increase by at least another 50 cents a gallon -- so we can have more hearings in Congress to yell at the Big Oil Executives about the price of gas and threaten to steal their profits. Forget about the part where the US government makes more on a gallon of gas than the oil companies. They know that what they will do will raise the price of conducting business everywhere, the cost of energy across the board, and that it is all for naught because the biggest polluters in the world will not sign on because they are practical and not governed by a bunch of blowhard know-nothings.
Fortunately, most Republican Senators stopped this legislation, but if the Democrats remain in control in Congress, it is only a matter of time until they succeed in knee-capping the US.
By the way, they tell you not to worry about all those increased costs, because with the increased taxes they will reap, they will send you money to help you pay the bills they are forcing so high.
A little ethanol anyone?
"Making" Decisions
By Maureen Rudel
For all of my years, I have been making decisions, good, bad, or indifferent. I made them, I lived with the consequences. However, in the last few years, I have noticed a new "double-speak" coming out of Washington. I first noticed it in listening to Madeleine Albright, when she was Bill Clinton's Secretary of State. I have no reason to believe it originated from her, that's just when I noticed it.
In Washington, DC, people no longer "make" decisions. They "take" them. I wonder who they take them from. It's kind of like choosing between vanilla, chocolate and strawberry ice cream. You take the one you want and pay for the cone. However, in Washington, the decision is disembodied. It doesn't belong to anyone and no one can be blamed if you "take" the wrong one. If it turns out badly, Washington says "Mistakes were made." No one ever makes them, they just appear.
I was thinking about this when I was listening to Mark Brewer, the Michigan Democrat Party Chair, talking about Chief Justice Clifford Taylor, who is running for re-election this year. He was explaining how Justice Taylor didn't decide a case the way Brewer wanted him to. In Brewer's point of view anyone who has had a misfortune, an accident, an injury should be compensated whether he deserves it or not and whether or not the law permits it.
This is how judicial activists take decisions. They start from the desired result, reward the plaintiff (regardless of fault) and punish the "corporations." They then figure out how to bend, twist, or create the law they need to come out with that result. I remember when the Michigan Court routinely did exactly that. No lawyer could tell his client what a law meant, what a contract said or how a case could be defended. It made no difference whether or not the defendant was in the right or wrong, he or the business would lose because the judges would make sure they did. It's not that hard to throw a case, especially when the judge starts acting as the plaintiff attorney and questioning the defense witnesses. How do you object to the question and expect the judge to agree with you. In the 1970's this was Wayne County justice and why any case that could be brought in that county was brought there.
Right now, in spite of everything else that is wrong with Michigan, our Supreme Court has been called the best in the nation by the Wall Street Journal. That is due to the fact that the majority of justices "make" decisions. They stand behind them, they explain why the case was decided the way it was. You may agree or disagree with the reasoning behind the decisions, but reasoning there is. No one wins just because they are injured, no one loses just because they are in business.
Pay attention to the judicial candidates. They are important. If you want to keep what business there is in Michigan, there is no particularly good reason to try to make things worse for them by electing judges who are unaccountable and "take" their decisions out of the clear blue sky.
The Benefits of a Real Convention
By Maureen Rudel
There are those
political pundits who are wringing their hands because, at the present time, it
does not appear that either of the remaining two Democrat candidates will have
enough delegates prior to the Democrat Convention in August to claim the
nomination. This means that the actual decision would be made at the
Convention itself by the delegates assembled there.
Younger voters don't remember that this used to be the norm. The party Conventions were intended to choose the candidates. They weren't originally designed to be promotions of the chosen candidate.
Personally, I prefer the excitement and reality of a real Convention. The last real one I can recall was 1976, when Ronald Reagan was challenging Gerald Ford, the sitting President, for the nomination. As it turned out, President Ford had the votes he needed to obtain the nomination on the first ballot, but it wasn't clear until it happened, and Ronald Reagan's performance at the Convention set the stage for his 1980 successful run.
The advantage of choosing a candidate at the Convention is that it allows for buyer's remorse to correct a mistake. If one of the contenders displays a fatal flaw after having toted up enough delegates to secure the nomination, arguably, the delegates to the National Convention could correct the mistake, but it is highly unlikely.
The late choice empowers the political parties, makes it beneficial to work closely with state and local parties and keeps interest high. There is no question that the level of interest of Democrats in the candidate choice is extremely high and has energized their party to a level not seen in years. The fact that the winner is not known and probably won't be known until the Convention, or just before it, will keep their interests high.
Give me the good old days and a real Convention.
By Maureen Rudel
It is my
understanding that in the heyday of Vaudeville, there was a fellow at the side
of the stage with a great, big hook who would swoop in and grab someone who was
putting on a terrible act. Where is that man, now?
I don’t know whether Jimmy Carter came by his pessimistic, sour attitude because of his dominating mother who apparently instilled uncontrollable fear at the sight of a swimming rabbit, or just his own ornery self. Whatever the cause, it’s time to send this imposter back to the peanut warehouse in Plains and lock the door.
He was a terrible president. He brought on double-digit inflation and unemployment – remember the word “stagflation.” He brought down the Shah of Iran, and encouraged the establishment of the Ayatollah reign in Iran, who promptly stormed the American embassy and took American personnel hostage for 444 days – until Ronald Reagan was inaugurated.
His marvelous personnel choices – Stansfield Turner to head the CIA, whose main claim to fame was to gut the agency’s ability to put people on the ground in places they needed to be – Attorney General Ramsey Clark whose most recent claim to fame was to defend Saddam Hussein – and his defense establishment whose great efforts to try to release the hostages resulted in the crash of helicopters in the dessert, with American servicemen killed, the effort aborted, the military embarrassed and the hostages still in custody.
He so skillfully handled the energy problem that there were lines for gasoline, limits on how much you could buy and no increase in production. Instead, we were supposed to turn the heat down and put on a sweater.
Maybe I have a selective memory, but I don’t remember anything he did right, except to lose to Ronald Reagan in his reelection bid. Americans then had an opportunity to learn what a happy, optimistic, confident President could let them accomplish if they were left alone to do so and left with enough of their own money to make it happen.
Ever since he left office, the disgraced Jimmy Carter has been trying to redeem himself. He has utterly failed. His anti-Semitic, anti-American, anti-Republican, pro-despot comments on the world stage are not helpful. He is a viciously partisan Democrat, but he did nothing to make Bill Clinton’s life any easier. He was interfering with the diplomatic priorities of the Clinton administration as well.
We can remember what a good buddy he was of Yasser Arafat, but that figures. Any terrorist who wants to see the elimination of Israel gets his vote. Now, he is kissing up to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran’s president who wants to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.
From Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and Fidel Castro of Cuba, no one is worse for the world than George W. Bush. Remember the great deal he cooked up with Kim Jong Il to put an end to North Korea’s nuclear program?
It’s time for this embarrassment to go away. He must have gotten tired of building houses for Habitat for Humanity. I don’t care what he does from now on, but Miz Lillian’s sour little boy, who has never grown up, should get off the stage and let the grownups do their work in peace.
The Road to Hell
By Maureen Rudel
Once again, the gun-grabbers have shown us the wisdom of their good
intentions when the legislators in the Commonwealth of Virginia decided to
disarm all of the law-abiding people attending Virginia Tech and the other
colleges and universities.
The result, again, is VICTIMS. We seem to have an unending need for victims in out society – people that we can feel sorry for and memorialize. People who died for no good reason. They were not defending their country, their families or friends, or even themselves. They were shot down, defenseless, because of the actions of their own government and a demented, evil, killer who knew he had all of the time in the world because he was the only one with a weapon.
The story did not have to read that way. Instead of 32 VICTIMS and one killer dead, it could have been different. The resident advisor, who was the second person shot that morning, might have had his own gun and put an end to the killing after the first young lady was killed. Any of those students or teachers who were waiting for their execution as the killer went from room to room in the engineering building might have stopped him.
But, no, the press, the gun-grabbers and the blame-gamers want to second-guess the police and university authorities for their actions. The police cannot be everywhere. They are dedicated, hard-working people, but they are not psychic. They don’t know where everyone is at all times and what they are going to do next. Certainly, it makes sense to determine if a different course of action might have been better, but that is all speculation since no two events are ever identical.
Even the former police commissioner of New York City is rethinking his position on gun control and armed citizens, realizing that self-defense is a reasonable way to go in a free society.
We were recently visiting some friends in the South, whose universities do not ban guns. Many of the students carry guns on their persons or in their cars, and many more have guns in their rooms. You don’t read about mass murders at these institutions.
Maybe the time has come to rethink the wisdom of retaining those do-gooder legislators and the governor who so happily signed the bill that created all those VICTIMS.
What Happened to the Republican and
Conservative Majority
Lt. Governor Dick Posthumus...On Republicans &
This is the view of a simple farmer (and now also a manufacturer) with twenty years of public service who loves this country and this state.
The majority of people in this country and especially in Michigan still generally have a conservative view of the world. The proof I would put forward on this is that: 1) The most conservative ballot initiative in Michigan was the “Michigan Civil Rights Initiative”. Agree with it or not, it passed with a large majority; 2) Many of the new Democrats elected to the U.S. Congress and U.S. Senate were (and in Michigan) were from the more conservative wing of the Democrat Party.
The Republican Party has not gotten too conservative, but instead had lost some of its direction and identity. I will discuss that in depth in a moment
The liberals and Democrat Party did not win more elections this year because they had better ideas. My proof on this is: Name more than one idea that liberals and the Democrat Party stood for in 2006-- They didn’t have any. They ran on two things: 1) Nationally, they ran on the idea that Republicans made a mess of the Iraq war and 2) In Michigan and in the nation, they just ran against Republicans. Both were successful this year, but neither puts forward a new vision for Michigan or the U.S. They are negative ideas, not positive.
So if the majority of citizens still have a conservative view, if the Republican Party hasn’t become too conservative, and if the Democrats didn’t have better ideas, what happened? I don’t think it is that complicated.
People were mad at the war, mad at the lack of leadership in Congress, and mad at the corruption.
I am not smart enough to know the answer to the Iraq war. I do believe, however, Republicans made a mistake in setting the expectations on this. There was the view that this was going to be over in a few months. The fact is people of all faiths, including Muslims, will be battling this radical, terrorist form of religious extremism for a number of decades before it is resolved. This has risen from time-to time throughout history and it takes a generation to solve. It is to my children and grandchildren’s generation what the battle against Communism was to my parents and my generation.
When a party is in power for a period of years it can have the tendency to become more interested in maintaining that power then leading based on a vision and ideas. That happened to the Democrats and the “Roosevelt coalition” in the 70s and 80s. And to some degree that happened on a national level to Republicans in the last four years. This led the Republican leadership to not taking steps against other members who abused their power. Don’t forget Republicans won control of the U.S. Congress because the Democrats had abused their power in the 70s and 80s making deals with lobbyists, etc. Is it any wonder the public was mad at Republicans because they allowed some of their members (allow a small number) to do the same thing?
Despite all of this, however, I think the most important mistake Republicans in Washington and in Michigan made was forgetting who we were. We became the majority because we represent a coalition of the working/middle class. The GOP coalition put together by President Reagan, Speaker Newt Gingrich, and others is made up of three groups-Economic Conservatives (traditional Ford/Dole Republicans most interested in helping to grow business and creating jobs), Social Conservatives (religious conservatives represented by people like Bill Bennet and Senator Brownback emphasizing issues like abortion, marriage, private education, family etc.), and the Cultural Conservatives (the Reagan Democrats or Blue Collar Republicans- found in larger numbers in Macomb, Monroe and UP Counties and most interested in tax cuts for their family, family issues, and good jobs). Together this coalition is a majority in America and in Michigan. Without all three groups, a majority is not possible!
Most people (especially the media) confuse the last two groups, throwing them together. They talk about two groups making up the Republican coalition. That is a huge mistake. Those two groups, and in fact all three groups have some differing characteristics (as identified above). Republicans must lead, communicate and work on issues that are important to all three parts of the coalition.
In the 2006 election Republicans generally did well with Economic Conservatives and Social Conservatives. It was Cultural Conservatives (blue collar, working families) they lost. The Cultural Conservatives didn’t see the GOP as representing them anymore. In Washington when the GOP talked about tax cuts, they talked primarily about capital gains and inheritance taxes. In Lansing the GOP talked primarily about SBT and Personal Property Taxes. While these cuts are important economically, working families generally don’t relate to them. As a result, Republicans were perceived (with the Democrats help) as representing only the wealthy. So Republicans had trouble maintaining their broader conservative identity in Lansing as well as in Washington, DC.
Republicans must and can change this with a broader economic vision for Michigan. That is why I believe strongly that, for both economic reasons as well as political reasons, the Michigan Republicans need to change their discussion on the economic/budget crises facing this state. Republicans and conservatives must first talk about the crises facing the families and working people of Michigan, not the State Government. Let the liberal Democrats defend government. Republicans must defend the citizens. They must make cutting property taxes, and even possibly, income taxes for the families and the workers a part of the whole SBT discussion. They must lead with this economic vision along with cutting government. That is a vision that unites all of the Republican coalition, a large majority of Michigan citizens, and is the basis for a vision for tomorrow.
Dick Posthumus
Lt. Governor of Michigan 1999-2003
Senate Majority Leader 1991-1999
Watch the
What the Democrats Do
By Maureen Rudel
everyone had their say and threw the bums out. Now pay attention to the
bums who won.
Already at the state level, Jennifer Granholm is trying to figure out how to raise taxes. For the last four years, she has been trying to do that, but with both the State House and Senate in Republican hands, no general tax increase was imposed, although the Republicans did pass many fee increases and cigarette tax increases. We will watch to see if the Senate Republicans have enough courage to stand their ground.
At the federal level, the House Democrats have raised the minimum wage, have passed, or will pass, the requirement that the federal government must "negotiate" with the drug companies (set prices) -- even though the Congressional Budget Office has said it will not save a dime since the private sector has been so successful in dealing with the drug companies in the plans they provide. They want to lower the rates on college loans -- which, by the way, creates the moral hazard that people will pile on much more debt rather than working while going to school to keep debts down.
They have already backed off their stated promise to enact all of the recommendations of the 9-11 Commission, as if that group was the font of all wisdom. They say that they will institute "Pay as you Go" rules which require any new spending to be offset by spending cuts or tax increases -- guess what they will choose. They also say that they are going to adopt strong ethics rules. That would have been nice, but there are enough loopholes in the proposals they promote to drive a 747 (or private jet) through.
Rep. Charlie Rangel is dying to raise taxes "on the rich." Rep. John Conyers is dying to "impeach Bush."
Rep. Maurice Hinchey is dying to reinstate the "fairness doctrine" to squelch conservatives on talk radio. Even though the rest of the media is overwhelmingly liberal, we must make sure that no other views are available.
The Socialist agenda is on the rise. Think about what it would be like to have the biggest busybody you know running your life.
No trans fats, no cigarettes, no beer, wine is fine -- only if French, give us your paycheck and we'll give back to you what we think you deserve.
They are trying to hide their agenda for the next two years so that the new Democrats who were just elected will become entrenched and not lose their seats in 2008. However, they just can't stop being what they are. They will decide how much people should be able to make. Class warfare rules. The "Nanny State" will further intrude because you are too darn stupid to make the right decisions. Remember what Bill Clinton said -- something to the effect of: "We could give people a tax cut, but they might not spend their money in the right way."
Sometimes, you have to jump in the fire to appreciate the frying pan.
It is time for real Republicans to stand up, get their acts together and take back the State House, improve our numbers in the Senate and start working now for 2008.
The recent
death of Chair William Reilly creates a large gap in our local Republican Party.
In addition to holding our organization and activities together, Bill also gave
our county representation at the state level as one of three Republican state
committeemen from the First Congressional District. Bill’s optimistic attitude,
his deep involvement and generous spirit will be missed for a very long time to
While we experience this loss, know that we have a very capable team of officers, Secretary Dave Nelsey, Treasurer Maureen Rudel and yours truly, to guide our activities in the interim. I will be just a phone call away even though 1,300 miles will separate us for the next few months.
We trust that the right person will eventually be found to assume the leadership role. Anyone interested in consideration for the post should contact Maureen at 362-4747. In this off-election year, our primary activities will be candidate recruitment for the 2008 election and building our ranks with new and renewed memberships.
I have suggested that we institute an Iosco County Republicans Reagan/Lincoln Dinner as a fund-raiser for the Spring, so don’t look for the usual Lincoln Day Dinner in February. Our hope is to have Michigan Republican Chair Saul Anuzis as our speaker.
God bless you. And, God bless and protect the United States. See you in the Spring.
Ten Years and Counting
By Maureen Rudel
Ten years ago, I
put out my first newsletter. Shortly thereafter, it became a monthly
feature. I have enjoyed all of the opportunities and efforts to try to put
together an interesting and entertaining product. Hopefully, I have
succeeded more than I have failed.
I never expected to be sending this without Bill Reilly presiding as Chair, but unexpected happenings do occur.
I thank all of you, who, from time to time, have submitted Guest Columns for us to read.
While I have no expectation of stepping down as editor, I know that this month I will be eligible to receive Social Security. Therefore, cognizant of the passage of time, I encourage all of you to consider sending items you would like to see in the newsletter (many of the items that have been in over the years have been sent by readers) and submitting opinion columns.
If anyone would like to take a shot at putting an entire newsletter together, I would be delighted to assist.
No two editors will ever produce the same product because each person puts his or her own interests into the mix when selecting items to publish. There is no one correct way.
As we have seen newsletters from other counties, you can see the personality of the editor in each. There is no one correct format, there is no one correct length.
The agenda of the next meeting and the activities of the Sunrise Side Republican Women's Club are the main reasons to send out the newsletter, but, as long as that must be sent, why not include other information that might be interesting.
That has been my approach to the newsletter, and will continue to be as long as you want me to continue as editor and as long as I am able.
Thank you for all of the kind things you have said over the years.